线性代数 linear algebra

2.3 实现属于我们自己的向量


  1. class Vector:
  2. def init(self, lst):
  3.  self._values = lst    
  4. #return len
  5. def len(self):
  6. return len(self._values)
  7. #return index th item
  8. def getitem(self, index):
  9. return self._values[index]
  10. #direct use call this method
  11. def repr(self):
  12. return "Vector({})".format(self._values)
  13. #print call this method
  14. def str(self):
  15. return "({})".format(", ".join(str(e) for e in self._values))


  1. import sys
  2. import numpy
  3. import scipy
  4. from playLA.Vector import Vector
  5. if name == "main":
  6.  vec = Vector([     5, 2])
  7.  print(vec)    
  8.  print(len(vec))    
  9.  print(     "vec[0] = {}, vec[1] = {}".format(vec[0], vec[1]))

2.5 实现向量的基本运算


  1. class Vector:
  2. def init(self, lst):
  3.  self._values = lst    
  4. #return len
  5. def len(self):
  6. return len(self._values)
  7. #return index th item
  8. def getitem(self, index):
  9. return self._values[index]
  10. #direct use call this method
  11. def repr(self):
  12. return "Vector({})".format(self._values)
  13. #print call this method
  14. def str(self):
  15. return "({})".format(", ".join(str(e) for e in self._values))
  16. #vector add method
  17. def add(self, another):
  18. assert len(self) == len(another),"lenth not same"
  19. return Vector([a + b for a, b in zip(self._values, another._values)])

  20. return Vector([a + b for a, b in zip(self, another)])
  21. #迭代器 设计_values其实是私有成员变量,不想别人访问,所以使用迭代器
  22. #单双下划线开头体现在继承上,如果类内内部使用的变量使用单下划线
  23. def iter(self):
  24. return self._values.iter()
  25. #sub
  26. def sub(self, another):
  27. return Vector([a + b for a, b in zip(self._values, another._values)])

  28. return Vector([a - b for a, b in zip(self, another)])
  29. #self * k
  30. def mul(self, k):
  31. return Vector([k * e for e in self])
  32. k * self

  33. def rmul(self, k):
  34. return Vector([k * e for e in self])
  35. #取正
  36. def pos(self):
  37. return 1 * self
  38. #取反
  39. def neg(self):
  40. return -1 * self


  1. import sys
  2. import numpy
  3. import scipy
  4. from playLA.Vector import Vector
  5. if name == "main":
  6.  vec = Vector([     5, 2])
  7.  print(vec)    
  8.  print(len(vec))    
  9.  print(     "vec[0] = {}, vec[1] = {}".format(vec[0], vec[1]))
  10.  vec2 = Vector([     3, 1])
  11.  print(     "{} + {} = {}".format(vec, vec2, vec + vec2))
  12.  print(     "{} - {} = {}".format(vec, vec2, vec - vec2))
  13.  print(     "{} * {} = {}".format(vec, 3, vec * 3))
  14.  print(     "{} * {} = {}".format(3, vec, vec * 3))
  15.  print(     "-{} = {}".format(vec, -vec))
  16.  print(     "+{} = {}".format(vec, +vec))

2.8 实现0向量


  1. @classmethod
  2. def zero(cls, dim):
  3. return cls([0] * dim)


  1.  zero2 = Vector.zero(     2)
  2.  print(zero2)    
  3.  print(     "{} + {} = {}".format(vec, zero2, vec + zero2))



  1. self / k

  2. def truediv(self, k):
  3. return Vector((1 / k) * self)
  4. #模
  5. def norm(self):
  6. return math.sqrt(sum(e**2 for e in self))
  7. #归一化
  8. def normalize(self):
  9. if self.norm() < EPSILON:
  10. raise ZeroDivisionError("Normalize error! norm is zero.")
  11. return Vector(self._values)/self.norm()


  1.  print(     "normalize vec is ({})".format(vec.normalize()))
  2.  print(vec.normalize().norm())    
  3. try :
  4.  zero2.normalize()    
  5. except ZeroDivisionError:
  6.  print(     "cant normalize zero vector {}".format(zero2))

3.3 向量的点乘



  1. def dot(self, another):
  2. assert len(self) == len(another), "Error in dot product. Length of vectors must be same."
  3. return sum(a * b for a, b in zip(self, another))






  1. import numpy as np
  2. if name == "main":
  3.  print(np.__version__)    
  4.  lst = [     1, 2, 3]
  5.  lst[     0] = "LA"
  6.  print(lst)    
  7. #numpy中只能存储一种数据
  8.  vec = np.array([     1, 2, 3])
  9.  print(vec)    
  10. vec[0] = "LA"

  11. vec[0] = 666

  12.  print(vec)    
  13.  print(np.zeros(     5))
  14.  print(np.ones(     5))
  15.  print(np.full(     5, 666))
  16.  print(vec)    
  17.  print(     "size = ", vec.size)
  18.  print(     "size = ", len(vec))
  19.  print(vec[     0])
  20.  print(vec[     -1])
  21.  print(vec[     0:2])
  22.  print(type(vec[     0:2]))
  23. #点乘
  24.  vec2 = np.array([     4, 5, 6])
  25.  print(     "{} + {} = {}".format(vec, vec2, vec + vec2))
  26.  print(     "{} - {} = {}".format(vec, vec2, vec - vec2))
  27.  print(     "{} * {} = {}".format(2, vec, 2 * vec))
  28.  print(     "{} * {} = {}".format(vec, 2, vec * 2))
  29.  print(     "{} * {} = {}".format(vec, vec2, vec * vec2))
  30.  print(     "{}.dot({})= {}".format(vec, vec2, vec.dot(vec2)))
  31. #求模
  32.  print(np.linalg.norm(vec))    
  33.  print(vec/ np.linalg.norm(vec))    
  34.  print(np.linalg.norm(vec/ np.linalg.norm(vec)))    
  35. #为什么输出nan
  36.  zero3 = np.zeros(     3)
  37.  print(zero3 /np.linalg.norm(zero3))




  1. from .Vector import Vector
  2. class Matrix:
  3. #list2d二维数组
  4. def init(self, list2d):
  5.  self._values = [row[:]      for row in list2d]
  6. def repr(self):
  7. return "Matrix({})".format(self._values)
  8.  __str__ = __repr__    
  9. def shape(self):
  10. return len(self._values),len(self._values[0])
  11. def row_num(self):
  12. return self.shape()[0]
  13. def col_num(self):
  14. return self.shape()[1]
  15. def size(self):
  16.  r, c = self.shape()    
  17. return r * c
  18.  __len__ = row_num    
  19. def getitem(self, pos):
  20.  r, c =pos    
  21. return self._values[r][c]
  22. #第index个行向量
  23. def row_vector(self, index):
  24. return Vector(self._values[index])
  25. def col_vector(self, index):
  26. return Vector([row[index] for row in self._values])


  1. from playLA.Matrix import Matrix
  2. if name == "main":
  3.  matrix = Matrix([[     1, 2],[3, 4]])
  4.  print(matrix)    
  5.  print(     "matrix.shape = {}".format(matrix.shape()))
  6.  print(     "matrix.size = {}".format(matrix.size()))
  7.  print(     "matrix.len = {}".format(len(matrix)))
  8.  print(     "matrix[0][0]= {}".format(matrix[0, 0]))
  9.  print(     "{}".format(matrix.row_vector(0)))
  10.  print(     "{}".format(matrix.col_vector(0)))

4.4 实现矩阵的基本计算


  1. def add(self, another):
  2. assert self.shape() == another.shape(),"ERROR in shape"
  3. return Matrix([[a + b for a, b in zip(self.row_vector(i), another.row_vector(i))]for i in range(self.row_num())])
  4. def sub(self, another):
  5. assert self.shape() == another.shape(),"ERROR in shape"
  6. return Matrix([[a - b for a, b in zip(self.row_vector(i), another.row_vector(i))]for i in range(self.row_num())])
  7. def mul(self, k):
  8. return Matrix([[e*k for e in self.row_vector(i)] for i in range(self.row_num())])
  9. def rmul(self, k):
  10. return self * k
  11. #数量除法
  12. def truediv(self, k):
  13. return (1/k) * self
  14. def pos(self):
  15. return 1 * self
  16. def neg(self):
  17. return -1 * self
  18. @classmethod
  19. def zero(cls, r, c):
  20. return cls([[0]*c for _ in range(r)])


  1.  matrix2 = Matrix([[     5, 6], [7, 8]])
  2.  print(     "add: {}".format(matrix + matrix2))
  3.  print(     "sub: {}".format(matrix - matrix2))
  4.  print(     "mul: {}".format(matrix * 2))
  5.  print(     "rmul: {}".format(2 * matrix))
  6.  print(     "zero_2_3:{}".format(Matrix.zero(2, 3)))





  1. def dot(self, another):
  2. if isinstance(another, Vector):
  3. assert self.col_num() == len(another), "error in shape"
  4. return Vector([self.row_vector(i).dot(another) for i in range(self.row_num())])
  5. if isinstance(another, Matrix):
  6. assert self.col_num() == another.row_num(),"error in shape"
  7. return Matrix([self.row_vector(i).dot(another.col_vector(j)) for j in range(another.col_num())] for i in range(self.row_num()))


  1.  T = Matrix([[     1.5, 0], [0, 2]])
  2.  p = Vector([     5, 3])
  3.  print(     "T.dot(p)= {}".format(T.dot(p)))
  4.  P = Matrix([[     0, 4, 5], [0, 0, 3]])
  5.  print(     "T.dot(P)={}".format(T.dot(P)))

4.11 实现矩阵转置和Numpy中的矩阵


  1. import numpy as np
  2. if name == "main":
  3. #创建矩阵
  4.  A = np.array([[     1, 2], [3, 4]])
  5.  print(A)    
  6. #矩阵属性
  7.  print(A.shape)    
  8.  print(A.T)    
  9. #获取矩阵元素
  10.  print(A[     1, 1])
  11.  print(A[     0])
  12.  print(A[:,      0])
  13.  print(A[     1, :])
  14. #矩阵的基本运算
  15.  B = np.array([[     5, 6], [7, 8]])
  16.  print(A + B)    
  17.  print(A - B)    
  18.  print(     10 * A)
  19.  print(A *      10)
  20.  print(A * B)    
  21.  print(A.dot(B))

5 矩阵进阶

5.3 矩阵变换


  1. import math
  2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  3. from playLA.Matrix import Matrix
  4. from playLA.Vector import Vector
  5. if name == "main":
  6.   points = [[     0, 0], [0, 5], [3, 5], [3, 4], [1, 4],
  7.   [     1, 3], [2, 3], [2, 2], [1, 2], [1, 0]]
  8.   x = [point[     0] for point in points]
  9.   y = [point[     1] for point in points]
  10.   plt.figure(figsize=(     5, 5))
  11.   plt.xlim(     -10, 10)
  12.   plt.ylim(     -10, 10)
  13.   plt.plot(x, y)    
  14. plt.show()

  15.   P = Matrix(points)    
  16. T = Matrix([[2, 0], [0, 1.5]])#x扩大2倍,y扩大1.5倍

  17. T = Matrix([[1, 0], [0, -1]])#关于X轴对称

  18. T = Matrix([[-1, 0], [0, 1]])#关于X轴对称

  19. T = Matrix([[-1, 0], [0, -1]])#关于原点对称

  20. T = Matrix([[1, 0.5], [0, 1]])

  21. T = Matrix([[1, 0], [0.5, 1]])

  22.   theta = math.pi /      3
  23. #旋转theta角度
  24.   T = Matrix([[math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta)], [-math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta)]])    
  25.   P2 = T.dot(P.T())    
  26.   plt.plot([P2.col_vector(i)[     0] for i in range(P2.col_num())],[P2.col_vector(i)[1] for i in range(P2.col_num())])
  27.   plt.show()



  1. #单位矩阵
  2. @classmethod
  3. def identity(cls, n):
  4.   m = [[     0]*n for _ in range(n)]
  5. for i in range(n):
  6.   m[i][i] =      1
  7. return cls(m)


  1.   I = Matrix.identity(     2)
  2.   print(I)    
  3.   print(     "A.dot(I) = {}".format(matrix.dot(I)))
  4.   print(     "I.dot(A) = {}".format(I.dot(matrix)))


  1. #numpy中的逆矩阵
  2.   invA = np.linalg.inv(A)    
  3.   print(invA)    
  4.   print(A.dot(invA))    
  5.   print(invA.dot(A))    
  6.   C = np.array([[     1,2]])
  7.   print(np.linalg.inv(C))



6 线性系统



本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45944896/article/details/118925705
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