
· 深入浅出PaddlePaddle函数——paddle.Tensor
· 深入浅出PaddlePaddle函数——paddle.ones
· 深入浅出PaddlePaddle函数——paddle.zeros
· 深入浅出PaddlePaddle函数——paddle.full
· 深入浅出PaddlePaddle函数——paddle.ones_like
· 深入浅出PaddlePaddle函数——paddle.zeros_like
· 深入浅出PaddlePaddle函数——paddle.full_like


  1. shape


  1. dtype


  1. fill_value



  1. paddle.full(shape, fill_value, dtype=None, name=None)


  • shape:[tuple/list/Tensor] 要创建的Tensor的形状,shape的数据类型为int32int64
  • fill_value:[bool/float/int/Tensor] 用于初始化输出Tensor的常量数据的值。注意:该参数不可超过输出变量数据类型的表示范围。
  • dtype:[可选,np.dtype/str] 要创建的Tensor的数据类型,可以为boolfloat16float32float64int32int64。如果dtypeNone,那么数据类型为float32
  • name:[可选,str] 具体用法请参见Name,一般无需设置,默认值为None



  1. fill_value


  1. shape


  1. dtype


  1. import paddle
  2. data1 = paddle.full(shape=[2,1], fill_value=0, dtype='int64')
  3. #[[0]
  4. # [0]]#attrshape is a list which contains Tensor.
  5. positive_2 = paddle.full([1],2,"int32")
  6. data3 = paddle.full(shape=[1, positive_2], dtype='float32', fill_value=1.5)
  7. # [[1.51.5]]#attrshape is a Tensor.
  8. shape = paddle.full([2],2,"int32")
  9. data4 = paddle.full(shape=shape, dtype='bool', fill_value=True)
  10. # [[True True]
  11. # [True True]]#attrfill_value is a Tensor.
  12. val = paddle.full([1],2.0,"float32")
  13. data5 = paddle.full(shape=[2,1], fill_value=val, dtype='float32')
  14. # [[2.0]
  15. # [2.0]]


  1. def full(shape, fill_value, dtype=None, name=None):"""
  2. Return a Tensor with the ``fill_value`` which size is same as ``shape``.
  3. Args:shape(list|tuple|Tensor): Shape of the Tensor to be created.
  4. The data type is ``int32`` or ``int64`` . If ``shape`` is a list or tuple,
  5. the elements of it should be integers or Tensors with shape [1].
  6. If ``shape`` is an Tensor, it should be an 1-D Tensor.fill_value(bool|float|int|Tensor): The constant value
  7. used to initialize the Tensor to be created. If ``fill_value`` is an Tensor, it must be an 1-D Tensor.dtype(np.dtype|str, optional): Data type of the output Tensor
  8. which can be float16, float32, float64, int32, int64,if dytpe is `None`, the data
  9. type of created Tensor is `float32`.name(str, optional): For details, please refer to :ref:`api_guide_Name`. Generally, no setting is required. Default: None.
  10. Returns:
  11. Tensor: Tensor which is created according to ``shape``, ``fill_value`` and ``dtype``.
  12. Examples:.. code-block:: python
  13. import paddle
  14. data1 = paddle.full(shape=[2,1], fill_value=0, dtype='int64')
  15. #[[0]
  16. # [0]]#attrshape is a list which contains Tensor.
  17. positive_2 = paddle.full([1],2,"int32")
  18. data3 = paddle.full(shape=[1, positive_2], dtype='float32', fill_value=1.5)
  19. # [[1.51.5]]#attrshape is a Tensor.
  20. shape = paddle.full([2],2,"int32")
  21. data4 = paddle.full(shape=shape, dtype='bool', fill_value=True)
  22. # [[True True]
  23. # [True True]]#attrfill_value is a Tensor.
  24. val = paddle.full([1],2.0,"float32")
  25. data5 = paddle.full(shape=[2,1], fill_value=val, dtype='float32')
  26. # [[2.0]
  27. # [2.0]]"""
  28. if dtype is None:
  29. dtype ='float32'returnfill_constant(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, value=fill_value, name=name)

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/hy592070616/article/details/129409705
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