
Functions in Stateflow(Stateflow中的函数)

Stateflow supports the creation of various types of functions that can be called multiple times within a chart. As with textual programming, using functions reduces redundancy and improves readability. In this course, you will learn about two types of Stateflow functions: graphical functions and MATLAB functions. You can learn about other types of functions by browsing the documentation page, Reusable Functions in Charts. Functions can be called as state actions and condition actions. If a function returns a Boolean value, it can also be called as a transition condition.

Graphical Functions(图形功能)

Graphical functions are reusable chart elements that contain flow charts. As you saw previously, a flow chart can be inserted directly into a Stateflow chart. However, you can reuse this logic by encapsulating it into a graphical function. To add a graphical function, use the left mouse button to click and drag from the icon on the object palette (fx). This will create a function container for you to name and populate.
MATLAB Functions(MATLAB函数)

It can also be helpful to incorporate textual MATLAB functions into a Stateflow chart. For example, it may be easier to express parts of your algorithm as code, or you may have preexisting MATLAB code that you wish to utilize in your Stateflow chart. To create a MATLAB function box in Stateflow, click and drag from the icon on the object palette .

Graphical Functions in Stateflow(Stateflow中的图形函数)


At right is a state machine that sorts a stream of characters into 5- and 6- letter words, which are printed on separate displays(右边是一个状态机,它将字符流分类为5个字母和6个字母的单词,这些单词分别打印在不同的显示器上)
The chart has two inputs: a stream of characters and a second stream with the associated display for each character. If the character stream contains a period (.), the display pauses.

To display the messages, the chart needs to increment the index being displayed, and wrap when the index exceeds the word length. You modeled this architecture in the Flow Charts lesson. Here, you will turn the flow chart into a graphical function and use it in both Display states.

Create a graphical function box by dragging from the graphical function icon on the object palette.Define the function signature as(通过从对象调色板上的图形功能图标拖动来创建图形功能框。将功能签名定义为)

idx = increment(currIdx,wordLength).

(You can use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A to automatically arrange your model and resize elements to fit text.)(可以使用快捷键Ctrl+Shift+A自动排列模型并调整元素大小以适应文本。)


Graphical functions have their own variable scope, just like functions in other programming contexts. Information is exchanged with the Stateflow chart via the graphical function’s inputs and outputs. The Data Scope is automatically defined for you based on the function signature.

Your graphical function will contain the same flow chart that you created previously. However, now you will use the function Symbols: idx, currIdx, and wordLength.

Delete the automatically added transition and junction. Click on the graphical function box to make it active, then use the Pattern Wizard, as before, to insert an if statement in the graphical function.

Fill out the fields in the dialog box as follows.(按如下方式填写对话框中的字段。)

Description increment and loop(描述增量和循环)
If condition idx > wordLength(如果条件idx>wordLength)
If action idx = 1;(如果动作idx=1;)

Press Ok to insert the pattern. Adjust the size and positioning of the flow chart and the box so the flow chart is completely within the graphical function box.


Add the action {idx = currIdx + 1;} on the graphical function’s default transition, prior to the if statement.


Replace the %TODO comment in the DisplayShort state with a call to the graphical function. The inputs to the function are idx1 and the word length, 5. Assign the output of the function back to the variable idx1.
(将DisplayShort状态下的**%TODO** 注释替换为对图形函数的调用。该函数的输入为idx1,字长为5。将函数的输出重新分配给变量idx1。)


Replace the %TODO comment in the DisplayLong state with a similar call to the graphical function. In this state,you would like to increment the variable idx2, and the word length is now 6.
(将DisplayLong状态下的**%TODO** 注释替换为对图形函数的类似调用。在这种状态下,您希望增加变量idx2,现在单词长度为6。)

MATLAB Functions in Stateflow(Stateflow中的MATLAB函数)


In this lesson, you will use a Stateflow chart with a MATLAB function to detect outliers in a noisy signal. The Simulink model provides the last five data points of the signal to the chart.

Your criteria for identifying an outlier will be: “Does the current point differ from the mean of the last five points by more than 2?”

Create a new MATLAB function in your chart by using the left mouse button to drag from the icon on the left toolbar.
Define the function signature as
isOutlier = detectOutlier(input).


The MATLAB code to identify outliers is(识别异常值的MATLAB代码是)

dist = abs(input(end) - mean(input));
isOutlier = dist > 2;

Double-click on the MATLAB Function in the chart to edit in the MATLAB Editor. The function signature is populated from the chart. Enter the algorithm in the body of the function.


The transition from NotOutlier to Outlier should occur if detectOutlier(data) retums true.

Conversely, the transition from Outlier to NotOutlier should occur if detectOutlier returns false.

Use calls to the MATLAB function to create the transition conditions between the two states.

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/J_WangJiang/article/details/129728883
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