NILM非侵入式负荷识别(papers with code、data)带代码的论文整理——(论文及实现代码篇) 全网最全






NILM非侵入式负荷识别(papers with code、data)带代码的论文整理——(公开数据集、工具、和性能指标篇) 全网最全



第一次更新时间:2023年1月10日 20:50:39


第二次更新时间:2023年2月24日 15:52:30



《Review on Deep Neural Networks Applied to Low-Frequency NILM》





《Neural NILM: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Energy Disaggregation》

code:GitHub - OdysseasKr/neural-disaggregator: Code for NILM experiments using Neural Networks. Uses Keras/Tensorflow and the NILMTK.

GitHub - JackKelly/neuralnilm: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Energy Disaggregation

GitHub - maechler/nnilm: A reimplementation of Jack Kelly's rectangles neural network architecture based on Keras and the NILMToolkit.


Sequence-to-point learning with neural networks for nonintrusive load monitoring

GitHub - MingjunZhong/NeuralNetNilm: Sequence-to-point learning for non-intrusive load monitoring (energy disaggregation)

GitHub - MingjunZhong/seq2point-nilm: Sequence-to-point learning for non-intrusive load monitoring


Code: GitHub - JackBarber98/pruned-nilm: This repo provides four weight pruning algorithms for use in sequence-to-point energy disaggregation as well as three alternative neural network architectures.

paper: Lightweight Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Employing Pruned Sequence-to-Point Learning | Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring


改进版本1:Structured Probabilistic Pruning

Wang, H., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Hu, H. (2018) Structured Probabilistic Pruning for Convolutional Neural Network Acceleration. Zhejiang University, China.

pdf: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.06994.pdf

改进版本2:Entropy-Based Pruning

Hur, C., Kang, S. (2018) Entropy-Based Pruning Method For Convolutional Neural Networks. The Journal of Supercomputing, 75:2950–2963.

pdf: https://link-springer-com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11227-018-2684-z.pdf

改进版本3:Relative Threshold Pruning

Asouri, A. H., Abdelrahman, T. S., Remedios, A. D. (2019) Retraining-Free Methods for Fast On-the-Fly Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks. Neurocomputing, 370 56-59.

pdf: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0925231219312019

《Sliding Window Approach for Online Energy Disaggregation Using Artificial Neural Networks》

code :https://github.com/OdysseasKr/online-nilm

pdf :https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3200947.3201011



code: GitHub - Ming-er/NeuralNILM_Pytorch


[5]基于 seq2seq 和 Attention 机制的居民用户非侵入式负荷分解


《Deep Latent Generative Models For Energy Disaggregation》

code: Bitbucket


《WaveNILM: A causal neural network for power disaggregation from the complex power signal》

GitHub - picagrad/WaveNILM: WaveNILM as published at ICASSP 2019


《A Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Algorithm Based on Non-Uniform Sampling of Power Data and Deep Neural Networks》

code: a3labShares / A3NeuralNILM · GitLab

《A Tree-Structured Neural Network Model for Household Energy Breakdown》

pdf: A Tree-Structured Neural Network Model for Household Energy Breakdown | The World Wide Web Conference

code: GitHub - yilingjia/TreeCNN-for-Energy-Breakdown: WWW19' A Tree-Structured Neural Network Model for Household Energy Breakdown

《Deep Learning-Based Energy Disaggregation and On/Off Detection of Household Appliances》

pdf : Deep Learning-Based Energy Disaggregation and On/Off Detection of Household Appliances | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data

code : GitHub - jiejiang-jojo/fast-seq2point

《EdgeNILM: Towards NILM on Edge devices》

pdf : EdgeNILM | Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation

code : https://github.com/EdgeNILM/EdgeNILM

《Lightweight Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Employing Pruned Sequence-to-Point Learning》

Code: GitHub - JackBarber98/pruned-nilm: This repo provides four weight pruning algorithms for use in sequence-to-point energy disaggregation as well as three alternative neural network architectures.

paper: Lightweight Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Employing Pruned Sequence-to-Point Learning | Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring


《UNet-NILM: A Deep Neural Network for Multi-tasks Appliances State Detection and Power Estimation in NILM》

pdf: UNet-NILM | Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring

code : https://github.com/sambaiga/UNETNiLM


《Exploring Time Series Imaging for Load Disaggregation》

pdf: https://mobile.aau.at/publications/bousbiat-buildsys20-imaging.pdf

code: https://github.com/BHafsa/image-nilm




  1. 格拉米角场GAFs

example1: 《非侵入式负荷识别边缘计算颜色编码研究》(2020

example2 : 《Imaging Time-Series for NILM》(2019)


example1:《Exploring Time Series Imaging for Load Disaggregation》(2020)

3.递归图Recurrence Plot

example1:Improved Appliance Classification in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Using Weighted Recurrence Graph and Convolutional Neural Networks(2020)




example1:《**A feasibility study of automated plug-load identification from high-frequency measurements》(2015) **二值化V-I轨迹

example2**:《****Appliance classification using VI trajectories and convolutional neural networks》(2017) **灰度的V-I轨迹

example3**:《**Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring by Voltage–Current Trajectory Enabled Transfer Learning》(2019) 彩色的V-I轨迹

《Non-Intrusive Load Disaggregation by Convolutional Neural Network and Multilabel Classification》

code: GitHub - lmssdd/TPNILM: Notebook for Temporal Pooling NILM

pdf: Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | Non-Intrusive Load Disaggregation by Convolutional Neural Network and Multilabel Classificationz


《Sequence To Subsequence Learning With Conditional Gan For Power Disaggregation》

pdf: Sequence-To-Subsequence Learning With Conditional Gan For Power Disaggregation | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore

code: GitHub - DLZRMR/seq2subseq: Seq2subseq method for NILM


《Imaging Time-Series for NILM》

code: GitHub - LampriniKyrk/Imaging-NILM-time-series

《Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring with Fully Convolutional Networks》

pdf: https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.03915

code: GitHub - cbrewitt/nilm_fcn: Fully convolutional neural networks for non-intrusive load monitoring

《Improving Non-Intrusive Load Disaggregation through an Attention-Based Deep Neural Network》

pdf: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/4/847/pdf

code: GitHub - antoniosudoso/attention-nilm: An Attention-based Deep Neural Network for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring

《Sequence to point learning based on bidirectional dilated residual network for non-intrusive load monitoring》

pdf: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142061521000776

code: https://github.com/linfengYang/BitcnNILM


《Generative Adversarial Networks and TransferLearning for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring in Smart Grids》

pdf: Generative Adversarial Networks and Transfer Learning for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring in Smart Grids | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore

code :GitHub - Awadelrahman/GAN-NILM: GAN-NILM: Using Generative Adversarial Networks to perform Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (aka load disaggregation)

注解:GAN+Transfer Learning(迁移学习),后面迁移学习相关的我再补充一篇

《Improved Appliance Classification in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring using Weighted Recurrence Plots and Convolutional Neural Networks》

pdf: Energies | Free Full-Text | Improved Appliance Classification in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Using Weighted Recurrence Graph and Convolutional Neural Networks

code: GitHub - sambaiga/WRG-NILM: Weighted Recurrence Graph for appliance classification

《Concurrent Loads Disaggregator for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring》

pdf: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.02352.pdf

code: GitHub - arx7ti/cold-nilm: The code to reproduce all the numerical results and the plots of the paper.

《Energy Disaggregation using Variational Autoencoders》

pdf: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.12177.pdf

code :GitHub - ETSSmartRes/VAE-NILM: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring based on VAE model


《Nonintrusive Residential Electricity Load Decomposition Based on Transfer Learning》

pdf: Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Nonintrusive Residential Electricity Load Decomposition Based on Transfer Learning

code : https://github.com/eyangs/transferNILM


《Adaptive Weighted Recurrence Graph for Appliance Recognition in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring》

code : GitHub - sambaiga/AWRGNILM: Adaptive Recurrence Graph for Appliance classification in NILM.


《Multi-Label Learning for Appliance Recognition in NILM Using Fryze-Current Decomposition and Convolutional Neural Network》


code: https://github.com/sambaiga/MLCFCD

《DeepDFML-NILM: A New CNN-Based Architecture for Detection, Feature Extraction and Multi-Label Classification in NILM Signals》

code: GitHub - LucasNolasco/DeepDFML-NILM: A new CNN architecture to perform detection, feature extraction, and multi-label classification of loads, in non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) approaches, with a single model for high-frequency signals.

pdf: DeepDFML-NILM: A New CNN-Based Architecture for Detection, Feature Extraction and Multi-Label Classification in NILM Signals | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore


A Bidirectional Transformer Model for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring

文献下载: http://nilmworkshop.org/2020/proceedings/nilm20-final88.pdf

Code: https://github.com/Yueeeeeeee/BERT4NILM

《Efficient Design of Energy Disaggregation Model with BERT-NILM Trained by AdaX Optimization Method for Smart Grid》

pdf: Sci-Hub | Efficient Design of Energy Disaggregation Model with BERT-NILM Trained by AdaX Optimization Method for Smart Grid | 10.3390/en14154649

code :https://github.com/vahit19/smart_grid

《Neural Fourier Energy Disaggregation》

pdf : https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/2/473

code : https://github.com/ChristoferNal/Neural-Fourier-Energy-Disaggregation

迁移学习Transfer Learning(包括前面提过的两篇):

《Transfer Learning for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring》



GitHub - MingjunZhong/seq2point-nilm: Sequence-to-point learning for non-intrusive load monitoring


GitHub - LeoVogiatzis/GNN_based_NILM: Non Intrusive Load Monitoring based on Graph Neural Networks and Representation Learning



《Exploiting HMM Sparsity to Perform Online Real-Time Nonintrusive Load Monitoring》

GitHub - smakonin/SparseNILM: The super-state hidden Markov model disaggregator that uses a sparse Viterbi algorithm for decoding. This project contains the source code that was use for my IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid journal paper.

《An Extensible Approach for Non-Intrusive Load Disaggregation With Smart Meter Data》

An Extensible Approach for Non-Intrusive Load Disaggregation With Smart Meter Data | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

GitHub - WilsonKong/siqpnilm


《Latent Bayesian melding for integrating individual and population models》

GitHub - MingjunZhong/LatentBayesianMelding: Latent Bayesian melding for non-intrusive load monitoring (energy disaggregation)

Graph Signal Processing

《On a Training-Less Solution for Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring Using Graph Signal Processing》

Code: GitHub - loneharoon/GSP_energy_disaggregator: This contains the energy disaggregation code based on Graph Signal Processing approach

pdf: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7457610


《On time series representations for multi-label NILM》

pdf: On time series representations for multi-label NILM

code: GitHub - ChristoferNal/multi-nilm: Multi-NILM: Multi Label Non Intrusive Load Monitoring

《A Machine Learning Approach for NILM based on Odd Harmonic Current Vectors》

pdf :A Machine Learning Approach for NILM based on Odd Harmonic Current Vectors | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore

code :GitHub - kbodurri/NILM: Code for our MPS 2019 paper entitled "A Machine Learning Approach for NILM based on Odd Harmonic Current Vectors"


《Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming for State-based Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring》

code: GitHub - antoniosudoso/nilm-bqp: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming for NILM

pdf: https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.09158

《Universal Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (UNILM) Using Filter Pipelines, Probabilistic Knapsack, and Labelled Partition Maps》

pdf : https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.06299

code :GitHub - compsust/KP-NILM: Supervised NILM using multiple-choice knapsack problem (MCKP).



CS446 Project: Electric Load Identification using Machine Learning

code: GitHub - andydesh/nilm: Non intrusive load monitoring using machine learning



《NILM: classification VS regression》



Neural NILM: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Energy Disaggregation

code: https://github.com/louisyuzhe/MachineLearning_NILM


本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/aa2962985/article/details/128635658
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“NILM非侵入式负荷识别(papers with code、data)带代码的论文整理——(论文及实现代码篇) 全网最全”的评论:
