
Stories Told Through Translation 通过翻译讲述的故事

We’ve created a demo that uses the latest AI advancements from the No Language Left Behind project to translate books from their languages of origin such as Indonesian, Somali, and Burmese into more languages for readers – with hundreds available in the coming months. With this AI tool, families can now read stories together from around the world in a language that works for them.
我们创建了一个演示,使用“不让任何语言掉队”项目的最新 AI 进步,将书籍从其原始语言(例如印度尼西亚语、索马里语和缅甸语)翻译成更多语言供读者使用——未来几个月将提供数百种语言。有了这个 AI 工具,家人现在可以用适合他们的语言一起阅读来自世界各地的故事。

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/universsky2015/article/details/129761520
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