一、npm 搜索 a-calc
npm i a-calc
<div class="container">
<script setup lang="ts">
import {calc, fmt} from 'a-calc'
console.log('9calc', calc)
console.log('9fmt', fmt)
console.log(calc('0.1 + 0.2')) // 加法
console.log(calc('0.1 + 0.2 * 0.3 / 0.4 * (0.5 + 0.6)')) // 更复杂的计算
console.log(calc('-2e2 + 3e+2')) // 科学记数法中的计算
let a = 0.000001
let b = 888.789
console.log(calc("a + b", {a,b})) // 0.000001 + 888.789 = 888.789001
console.log(calc("a * (b + c) % d + 7.123", [
{a: 1, b: 2},
{c: 3, d: 4}
])) // 8.123
// A bit more complex
console.log(calc("1 + o.a / arr[0].d",{
o: { a: 2 },
arr: [{ d: 8 }]
})) // 1.25
console.log(calc("a + b - c",[
{a: 1},
{b: 2, c: 3}
console.log(calc("1 + 2%", {_unit: true})) // 3%
console.log(calc("1.123$$$ + 2.88% | + =6", {_unit: true})) // +4.003000$$$
console.log(calc("0.1 + 0.2 | =2")) // 0.30
console.log(calc("0.11111 + 0.11111 | <=4")) // 0.2222
console.log(calc("0.11 + 0.11 | <=4")) // 0.22
console.log(calc("0.1 + 0.2 | >= 5")) // 0.30000
console.log(calc("0.0000001+ 0.0000001 | >= 5")) // 0.0000002
// Preserve positive and negative signs
console.log(calc("1 + 1 | +")) // +2
// Thousandth place
console.log(calc("10000000 + 100000000 | ,")) // 110,000,000
// Fraction
console.log(calc("0.025 + 0.2 | /")) // 9/40
// Percentage
console.log(calc("1 + 1 | %")) // 200%
// Scientific notation, note that this e can also be capitalized
console.log(calc("1 + 1 | !e")) // 2e+0
// Simultaneously specify decimals and thousandth place while preserving the positive and negative signs
console.log(calc("10000000 + 100000000 | +,=10")) // +110,000,000.0000000000
console.log(calc("0.1 | =2")) // 0.10
console.log(fmt("0.1 | =2")) // 0.10
// calc has the function of fmt, but fmt has better semantics
console.log(fmt("1000000 | ,")) // 1,000,000
<style scoped lang="less">
a-calc - npm
a-calc前端精度问题的终极解决方案,计算不准不方便就用它! - 知乎
版权归原作者 snowball_li 所有, 如有侵权,请联系我们删除。