【AI实战】开源且可商用的 40B 大语言模型 Falcon 40B

【AI实战】开源且可商用的 40B 大语言模型 Falcon 40B

Falcon 40B 介绍

  • 官网 https://www.tii.ae/news/uaes-technology-innovation-institute-launches-open-source-falcon-40b-large-language-model![在这里插入图片描述](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/3ac73811963547be95d05e5688e01537.png) Abu Dhabi-UAE: 25 May, 2023 – The Technology Innovation Institute (TII), a leading global scientific research center and the applied research pillar of Abu Dhabi’s Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC), today strengthened its growing international influence in the field of artificial intelligence by announcing that “Falcon 40B,” the UAE’s first large-scale AI model, is now open source for research and commercial use. This pioneering move demonstrates Abu Dhabi’s commitment to fostering collaboration across sectors and driving advancements in generative AI.阿联酋阿布扎比:2023年5月25日-全球领先的科学研究中心、阿布扎比先进技术研究委员会(ATRC)的应用研究支柱技术创新研究所(TII)今天宣布,阿联酋首个大型人工智能模型“猎鹰40B”,现在是研究和商业用途的开源。这一开创性举措表明阿布扎比致力于促进跨部门合作,推动生成性人工智能的发展。Falcon, a foundational large language model (LLM) with 40 billion parameters, trained on one trillion tokens, grants unprecedented access to researchers and small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) innovators alike. TII is providing access to the model’s weights as a more comprehensive open-source package, with the aim of enabling access to powerful LLM capabilities, promoting transparency and accountability, and supporting innovation and research in the field.Falcon是一个拥有400亿个参数的基础大型语言模型(LLM),在一万亿个 tokens 上进行了训练,为研究人员和中小企业创新者提供了前所未有的机会。TII作为一个更全面的开源包提供了对该模型权重的访问,目的是使人们能够获得强大的LLM能力,促进透明度和问责制,并支持该领域的创新和研究。


Falcon 40B 的测评

Falcon-40b模型目前在Open LLM排行榜上名列前茅,击败了LlaMa-30b-supercat和LlaMa-65b:



Falcon LLM采用开源Apache 2.0许可证,基于开源原则,广泛地允许“免费使用”。


本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/zengNLP/article/details/131018174
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