


Six Springs in the Development Journey of Java Technology: From Web Development to Big Data Strategy


Since the birth of Java, there have been several crucial “spring” moments in its development journey, each accompanied by significant technological innovations and changes in market demands, bringing vast career prospects and technological innovation space for developers.

1990年代末至2000年代初,Struts 1.x框架横空出世,作为早期MVC模式在Java Web开发中的成功实践,极大简化了企业级Web应用的构建过程,标志着Java Web开发的第一个春天。

In the late 1990s to the early 2000s, the emergence of the Struts 1.x framework marked the first spring of Java web development. As an early MVC model in Java web development, it greatly simplified the construction process of enterprise-level web applications.

紧接着,在2000年代中期至晚期,由Struts 2.x、Spring 2.x 和 Hibernate 3.x 组成的SSH架构体系快速普及,成为了Java企业级应用开发的主流选择。Spring以其轻量级的设计理念和强大的扩展性,Struts 2.x对表现层进行了革新升级,而Hibernate则在数据库持久化方面展现了巨大优势,共同构成了Java技术的第二个春天。

Following that, in the mid to late 2000s, the SSH architecture system composed of Struts 2.x, Spring 2.x, and Hibernate 3.x rapidly gained popularity, becoming the mainstream choice for Java enterprise application development. Spring, with its lightweight design philosophy and robust extensibility, Struts 2.x innovated and upgraded the presentation layer, while Hibernate demonstrated significant advantages in database persistence. Together, they constituted the second spring of Java technology.


With the rise of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), web services, especially Java-based WebService technology, experienced rapid development from the late 2000s to the early 2010s. This period witnessed efficient information integration and resource sharing across systems, propelling Java into the spring of service-oriented communication.


Simultaneously, in 2008, Google released the Android operating system, choosing Java as the primary development language, triggering a global wave of mobile application development. Although newcomers entering Android development today may face competitive pressure, Java developers undoubtedly seized the opportunity of the flourishing mobile internet, opening another spring in their careers.


Entering the mid-2010s, with the rise of big data technologies, Java secured a central position in frameworks like Hadoop and Spark, aiding developers in expanding into areas such as massive data processing, real-time analytics, and machine learning. This marked Java’s spring in the field of big data.


After 2015, with China’s introduction of the “Internet+” national strategy and its high regard for big data technology, Java, with its profound expertise and widespread applicability in cloud services, big data processing, and more, once again stood at the forefront of industry development, welcoming a new technological spring.


In summary, Java technology has continuously evolved and innovated at different stages of development, always closely linked to industry trends. Whether in web development, enterprise-level applications, service-oriented communication, mobile internet, or big data processing and national strategic layouts, Java, with its outstanding versatility, efficiency, and stability, has repeatedly revitalized globally throughout various technological springs.

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/howard2005/article/details/136320169
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