general states
- Born State: A thread that has just been created.
- Ready State: The thread is waiting for the processor (CPU).
- Running: The System assigns the processor to the thread means that the thread is being executed.
- Blocked State: The thread is waiting for an event to occur or waiting for an I/O device.
- Sleep: A sleeping thread becomes ready after the designated sleep time expires.
- Dead: The execution of the thread is finished.
reworks os
in reworks os, press i in command line to show all the threads:
there are some other thread states in reworks os:
1 suspend hyperlink, suspend is used in debug situation.hyperlink hyperlink
2 Signal-Interruptible, this state is always come with blocked, like [blocked + signal interruptible], this means, the thread is blocked, and signal can interrupt it.hyperlink hyperlink
3 delay: a thread is delyed, the thread is called when a specific period of time pass.
enter ps in linux command line.
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