


  1. 数据库创建语句

create database if not exists tsjy;

use tsjy;

  1. 表结构设计说明




  1. 数据表创建语句

create table borrowers(

** id char(6) not null,**

** name char(10) not null,**

** type enum('teacher', 'student') NOT NULL,**

** amount int not null default 0 check(amount >= 0),**

** phone char(11) not null,**

** primary key(id)**


create table books(

** bookid char(20) not null,**

** bookname char(20) not null,**

** category enum('**文学', '理学', '法学', '工学', '其他') not null,

** in_out boolean not null default false,**

** primary key(bookid)**


create table borrow_info(

** borrow_id int not null auto_increment,**

** id char(6) not null,**

** bookid char(20) not null,**

** borrow_date date not null,**

** due_date date generated always as (date_add(borrow_date, interval 30 day)),**

** return_date date ,**

** primary key(borrow_id),**

** foreign key(id)references borrowers(id),**

** foreign key(bookid)references books(bookid),**

** check(return_date >= borrow_date or return_date is null)**




**# 1.**创建视图显示所有逾期未归还的借阅信息(包括借阅人姓名,借阅人类别,书名,借出日期,应归还日期,逾期时长)

**create view overdue_info(**借阅人姓名,借阅人类别,书名,借出日期,应归还日期,逾期时长) as

select name,type,bookname,borrow_date,due_date,datediff(curdate(),due_date)

** from borrow_info bi join borrowers b on bi.id = b.id**

** join books bk on bi.bookid = bk.bookid**

** where bi.return_date is null and curdate() > bi.due_date;**

**# 2.**存储过程首先应当判断书籍未被借出去时借阅才能成功,



delimiter $$

create procedure borrow_book(in p_id char(6),in p_bookid char(20))


** declare v_in_out boolean;**

** select in_out into v_in_out from books where bookid = p_bookid;**

** if v_in_out = false then**

** # update borrowers set amount = amount + 1 where id = p_id;**

** update books set in_out = true where bookid = p_bookid;**

** insert into borrow_info(id, bookid, borrow_date) values(p_id, p_bookid, curdate());**

** else**

** signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = '**书籍已被借出';

** end if;**


delimiter ;

**#3. **还书将书籍在库信息修改为true,表示归还入库,同时将今天的日期填入借阅信息表中的归还日期。

**# **借阅人表中的借阅数量的修改可以通过触发器实现

delimiter $$

create procedure return_book(in p_id char(6),in p_bookid char(20))


** # update borrowers set amount = amount - 1 where id = p_id;**

** update books set in_out = false where bookid = p_id;**

** update borrow_info set return_date = curdate() where id = p_id and bookid = p_bookid;**


delimiter ;


delimiter $$

create function get_borrower_name(p_bookid char(20)) returns char(10)


** declare v_name char(10);**

** select name into v_name from borrowers b **

** join borrow_info bi on b.id = bi.id**

** join books bk on bk.bookid = bi.bookid**

** where bi.bookid = p_bookid;**

** return v_name;**


delimiter ;


delimiter $$

create function get_available_books(p_id char(6)) returns int


** declare v_type enum('teacher', 'student');**

** declare v_amount int;**

** select type,amount into v_type,v_amount from borrowers where id = p_id;**

** if v_type = 'teacher' then**

** return (10 - v_amount);**

** else**

** return (5 - v_amount);**

** end if;**


delimiter ;


delimiter $$

create function get_overdue_days(p_bookid char(20)) returns int


** declare v_days int;**

** select datediff(curdate(),due_date) into v_days **

** from borrow_info where bookid = p_bookid and return_date is null;**

** if v_days > 0 then**

** return v_days;**

** else **

** return 0;**

** end if;**


delimiter ;

**# **调用该函数显示所有逾期未归还图书的书名,

**# **借阅人和逾期时长并按逾期时长排序

**select bk.bookname,b.name,get_overdue_days(bk.bookid) as **逾期时长

from borrow_info bi join books bk on bk.bookid = bi.bookid

join borrowers b on b.id = bi.id

where get_overdue_days(bk.bookid) > 0

**order by **逾期时长 desc;

**# 7.**查询某借阅人有几本逾期未还图书

delimiter $$

create function get_overdue_books(p_id char(6)) returns int


** declare count int default 0;**

** select count(*) into count from borrow_info where id = p_id **

** and return_date is null and curdate() > due_date;**

** return count;**


delimiter ;

**# **调用该函数显示有逾期未归还图书的借阅人和未归还图书数目

**select name, get_overdue_books(id) as overdue_books **

** from borrowers where get_overdue_books(id) > 0;**

**# 8.**利用游标计算计算某借阅人逾期未还图书应缴纳的罚款,逾期30日内罚款1元,逾期90日内罚款3元,逾期超过90日罚款5元。

delimiter $$

create function get_fine(p_id char(6)) returns decimal(10,2)


** declare v_bookid char(20);**

** declare v_borrow_date date;**

** declare v_due_date date;**

** declare v_overdue_days int;**

** declare v_fine decimal(10,2) default 0;**

** declare done int default false;**

** declare cur cursor for select bookid, borrow_date, due_date from borrow_info**

** where id = p_id and return_date is null and due_date < curdate();**

** declare continue handler for not found set done = true;**

** open cur;**

** loop1: loop**

** fetch cur into v_bookid, v_borrow_date, v_due_date;**

** if done then**

** leave loop1;**

** end if;**

** set v_overdue_days = datediff(curdate(), v_due_date);**

** if v_overdue_days <= 30 then**

** set v_fine = v_fine + 1;**

** elseif v_overdue_days <= 90 then**

** set v_fine = v_fine + 3;**

** else**

** set v_fine = v_fine + 5;**

** end if;**

** end loop loop1;**

** close cur;**

** return v_fine;**


delimiter ;

**# **调用该函数显示所有应缴纳罚款的借阅人的姓名,逾期罚款和电话

select name, get_fine(id) as fine, phone from borrowers

where get_fine(id) > 0;


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create trigger borrow_book after insert on borrow_info for each row


** update borrowers set amount = amount + 1 where id = new.id;**


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delimiter $$

create trigger return_book after update on borrow_info for each row


** update borrowers set amount = amount - 1 where id = new.id;**


delimiter ;

**# 10.**创建触发器,当借阅者已借阅的书籍数目达到限额时,禁止借入新的书籍

delimiter $$

create trigger t before insert on borrow_info for each row


** declare v_amount int;**

** declare v_type enum('teacher', 'student');**

** select type, amount into v_type, v_amount from borrowers where id = new.id;**

** if v_type = 'teacher' and v_amount >= 10 then**

** signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = 'Teacher cannot borrow more than 10 books';**

** elseif v_type = 'student' and v_amount >= 5 then**

** signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = 'Student cannot borrow more than 5 books';**

** end if;**


delimiter ;



delimiter $$

create function book_borrow_count(p_bookid char(20)) returns int


** declare count int;**

** select count() into count from borrow_info where bookid = p_bookid;*


delimiter ;

**select bookid, bookname, book_borrow_count(bookid) as borrow_count **

from books order by borrow_count desc limit 5;

**# 12.**创建存储函数,查询某借阅人最喜欢的图书类别;

delimiter $$

create function favoritecategory (id char(6))

returns varchar(10)



** declare fav_category varchar(10);**

** declare count int;**

** select category, count(*) **

** into fav_category, count**

** from borrow_info join books on borrow_info.bookid = books.bookid**

** where id = borrow_info.id**

** group by category**

** order by count desc**

** limit 1;**

** return fav_category;**

end $$

delimiter ;


delimiter $$

**create procedure generate_report() **

**begin **

** declare v_borrower_count int; **

** declare v_book_count int;**

** declare v_overdue_count int; **

** declare v_overdue_rate decimal(5,2);**

** select count(distinct id) into v_borrower_count from borrow_info;**

** select count(distinct bookid) into v_book_count from borrow_info;**

** select count() into v_overdue_count from borrow_info where return_date is null and due_date < curdate();*

** set v_overdue_rate = v_overdue_count / v_book_count * 100;**

** select concat(‘**本周借阅报告:’) as report;

** select concat(‘**借阅人数:’, v_borrower_count) as borrower_count;

** select concat(‘**借阅图书数:’, v_book_count) as book_count;

** select concat(‘**逾期数:’, v_overdue_count) as overdue_count;

** select concat(‘**逾期率:’, v_overdue_rate, ‘%’) as overdue_rate;

** select concat(‘**类别分布:’) as category_distribution;

** select category, count(distinct bookid) as book_count from borrow_info join books on borrow_info.bookid = books.bookid group by category; **


delimiter ;

**# ****创建事件调度器,每周定时执行存储过程(假设每周一早上9点) **

**create event generate_report_event on schedule every 1 week **

starts '2023-05-22 09:00:00'

do call generate_report();


**-- **插入一些借阅者数据

insert into borrowers values

**('100001', '**张三', 'teacher', 2, '13812345678'),

**('100002', '**李四', 'student', 0, '13987654321'),

**('100003', '**王五', 'student', 1, '13765432198');

**-- **这些数据能正确插入,因为它们满足了表的约束条件

**-- **尝试插入一个不存在的类型

insert into borrowers values

**('100004', '**赵六', 'staff', 0, '13612349876');

**-- **这条数据不能插入,因为type列只能是teacher或student

**-- **尝试插入一个负数的借书数量

insert into borrowers values

**('100005', '**孙七', 'student', -1, '13598761234');

**-- **这条数据不能插入,因为amount列有一个check约束,要求amount >= 0

**-- **修改一个借阅者的电话号码

update borrowers set phone = '13456789123' where id = '100001';

**-- **这条语句能正确执行,因为phone列没有特殊的约束

**-- **删除一个借阅者

delete from borrowers where id = '100003';

**-- **这条语句能正确执行,borrow_info表中没有关联的记录

**-- **删除所有借阅者

delete from borrowers;

**-- **这条语句不能执行,如果borrow_info表中有关联的记录,因为会违反外键约束

**-- **插入一些图书数据

insert into books values

**('B001', '**三国演义', '文学', false),

**('B002', '**高等数学', '理学', true),

**('B003', '**民法典', '法学', false),

**('B004', '**计算机网络', '工学', true),

**('B005', '**百科全书', '其他', false);

**-- **这些数据能正确插入,因为它们满足了表的约束条件

**-- **尝试插入一个不存在的类别

insert into books values

**('B006', '**人类简史:从动物到上帝', '历史', false);

**-- **这条数据不能插入,因为category列只能是文学、理学、法学、工学或其他

**-- **尝试插入一个重复的图书编号

insert into books values

**('B003', '**刑法典', '法学', true);

**-- **这条数据不能插入,因为bookid列是主键,不能重复

**-- **修改一个图书的名称

**update books set bookname = '**机器学习' where bookid = 'B004';

**-- **这条语句能正确执行,因为bookname列没有特殊的约束

**-- **修改一个图书的借出状态

update books set in_out = true where bookid = 'B001';

**-- **插入一些借阅信息数据

insert into borrow_info (id, bookid, borrow_date, return_date) values

('100001', 'B001', '2023-05-01', null),

**('100001', 'B002', '2023-05-10', null), **

('100002', 'B004', '2023-05-15', null);

**-- **这些数据能正确插入,因为它们满足了表的约束条件

**-- **尝试插入一个不存在的借阅者编号

insert into borrow_info (id, bookid, borrow_date, return_date) values

('100004', 'B003', '2023-05-17',null);

**-- **这条数据不能插入,因为id列是外键,要求在borrowers表中存在

**-- **尝试插入一个不存在的图书编号

insert into borrow_info (id, bookid, borrow_date, return_date) values

('100001', 'B007', '2023-05-18', null);

**-- **这条数据不能插入,因为bookid列是外键,要求在books表中存在

**-- **尝试插入一个借阅日期晚于归还日期的数据

insert into borrow_info (id, bookid, borrow_date, return_date) values

('100003', 'B003', '2023-05-12', '2023-05-11');

**-- **这条数据不能插入,因为borrow_info表有一个check约束,要求return_date >= borrow_date或return_date为空

**-- **修改一个借阅信息的归还日期

update borrow_info set return_date = '2023-05-20' where id = '100001' and bookid = 'B001';

**-- **这条语句能正确执行,因为return_date列没有特殊的约束

**-- **修改一个借阅信息的到期日期

update borrow_info set due_date = '2023-06-01' where id = '100002' and bookid = 'B004';

**-- **这条语句不能执行,因为due_date列是generated always as,不能修改

**-- **删除一个借阅信息

delete from borrow_info where id = '100001' and bookid = 'B001';

**-- **这条语句应该能正确执行,因为没有特殊的约束

**-- **删除测试数据、插入完整数据

delete from borrow_info;

delete from books;

delete from borrowers;

insert into borrowers values

**('100001', '**张三', 'teacher', 2, '13812345678'),

**('100002', '**李四', 'student', 0, '13987654321'),

**('100003', '**王五', 'student', 1, '13765432198'),

**('100004', '**李老师', 'teacher', 1, '13987654321'),

**('100005', '**刘老师', 'teacher', 0, '13899998888'),

**('100006', '**陈老师', 'teacher', 1, '13966667777'),

**('100007', '**王同学', 'student', 3, '13611112222'),

**('100008', '**赵同学', 'student', 0, '13733334444'),

**('100009', '**孙同学', 'student', 2, '13655556666'),

**('100010', '**周同学', 'student', 1, '13744445555');

insert into books values

**('B001', '**三国演义', '文学', false),

**('B002', '**高等数学', '理学', true),

**('B003', '**民法典', '法学', false),

**('B004', '**计算机网络', '工学', true),

**('B005', '**百科全书', '其他', false),

**('B006', '**红楼梦', '文学', true),

**('B007', '**线性代数', '理学', false),

**('B008', '**刑法典', '法学', true),

**('B009', '**操作系统', '工学', false),

**('B010', '**世界地图集', '其他', true),

**('B011', '**水浒传', '文学', false),

**('B012', '**概率论与数理统计', '理学', true),

**('B013', '**国际法原理', '法学', false),

**('B014', '**数据结构与算法分析', '工学', true),

**('B015', '**世界历史大事记', '其他', false),

**('B016', '**西游记', '文学', false),

**('B017', '**微积分', '理学', true),

**('B018', '**宪法学', '法学', false),

**('B019', '**软件工程', '工学', true),

**('B020', '**世界名画欣赏', '其他', false),

**('B021', '**儒林外史', '文学', true),

**('B022', '**离散数学', '理学', false),

**('B023', '**民事诉讼法', '法学', true),

**('B024', '**编译原理', '工学', false),

**('B025', '**世界文化遗产导览', '其他', false);

**insert into borrow_info (id,bookid,borrow_date,return_date) values **

('100001', 'B001', '2023-04-01', '2023-04-15'),

('100001', 'B002', '2023-05-01', null),

('100001', 'B001', '2023-05-02', null),

('100003', 'B006', '2023-05-08', null),

('100004', 'B008', '2023-05-13', null),

('100006', 'B010', '2023-04-21', null),

('100007', 'B012', '2023-05-11', null),

('100007', 'B014', '2023-04-11', null),

('100007', 'B017', '2023-05-09', null),

('100009', 'B019', '2023-04-13', null),

('100009', 'B021', '2023-05-12', null),

('100010', 'B023', '2023-05-01', null);


**-- **假设张三想借《西游记》

call borrow_book('100001', 'B016');

**-- **假设李四想借《高等数学》

call borrow_book('100002', 'B003');

**-- **假设王五想借《高等数学》

**call borrow_book('100003', 'B002'); **

**-- **这里报错‘书籍已被借出’

**-- **假设张三想还《三国演义》

call return_book('100001', 'B001');

**-- **假设王五想还《红楼梦》

call return_book('100003', 'B006');



select bk.bookname,get_borrower_name(bk.bookid) as borrower_name from books bk join borrow_info bi on bk.bookid = bi.bookid

**where bk.in_out = true and bi.return_date is null and get_borrower_name(bk.bookid) = '**张三';


**select bk.bookname,b.name,get_overdue_days(bk.bookid) as **逾期时长

from borrow_info bi join books bk on bk.bookid = bi.bookid

join borrowers b on b.id = bi.id

where get_overdue_days(bk.bookid) > 0

**order by **逾期时长 desc;

**# **调用函数显示有逾期未归还图书的借阅人和未归还图书数目

**select name, get_overdue_books(id) as overdue_books **

** from borrowers where get_overdue_books(id) > 0;**

**# **调用该函数显示所有应缴纳罚款的借阅人的姓名,逾期罚款和电话

select name, get_fine(id) as fine, phone from borrowers

where get_fine(id) > 0;


**-- **先查询王同学的借阅数量

**select name,amount as **借阅数 from borrowers where id = '100007';

**-- **再次查询王同学借阅数量

**select name,amount as **借阅数 from borrowers where id = '100007';

**-- **假设王同学还想借《编译原理》

call borrow_book('100007', 'B024');

**-- **报错Error Code: 1644. Student cannot borrow more than 5 books

**-- **假设王同学想还《数据结构与算法分析》

call return_book('100007', 'B014');

**-- **再次查询王同学借阅数量

**select name,amount as **借阅数 from borrowers where id = '100007';


标签: 数据库 mysql sql

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_67686232/article/details/130753674
版权归原作者 笑海子 所有, 如有侵权,请联系我们删除。

