

放入项目运行,用 ida 打开后 F5 得到下面的

__int64 __usercall sub_10001B3F0@<X0>(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6, __int64 a7, __int64 a8, __int64 a9, __int64 a10, __int64 a11, __int64 a12, ...)
  __int64 v12; // x0
  __int64 v13; // x21
  int v14; // w20
  __int64 v15; // x0
  __int64 v16; // x21
  int v17; // w22
  BOOL v18; // w23
  BOOL v19; // w24
  BOOL v20; // w25
  int v21; // w22
  char *v22; // x21
  __int64 v23; // x0
  __int64 v24; // x20
  __int64 result; // x0
  __int64 v26; // x0
  __int64 v27; // x21
  __int64 v28; // x0
  __int64 v29; // x22
  __int64 v30; // x0
  __int64 v31; // x20
  __int64 v32; // x0
  __int64 v33; // x20
  const char *v34; // [xsp+1C0h] [xbp+70h]
  va_list va; // [xsp+1C0h] [xbp+70h]
  __int64 v36; // [xsp+1C8h] [xbp+78h]
  __int64 v37; // [xsp+1D0h] [xbp+80h]
  __int64 v38; // [xsp+1D8h] [xbp+88h]
  va_list va1; // [xsp+1E0h] [xbp+90h]

  va_start(va1, a12);
  va_start(va, a12);
  v34 = va_arg(va1, const char *);
  v36 = va_arg(va1, _QWORD);
  v37 = va_arg(va1, _QWORD);
  v38 = va_arg(va1, _QWORD);
  v12 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(void *))sub_104BFCC20)(&OBJC_CLASS___NSFileManager);
  v13 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue)(v12);
  v14 = sub_104C07D60();
  ((void (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_release)(v13);
  v15 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(void *))sub_104BFCC20)(&OBJC_CLASS___NSFileManager);
  v16 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue)(v15);
  v17 = sub_104C07D60();
  ((void (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_release)(v16);
  v18 = stat("/Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib", (struct stat *)va1) == 0;
  v19 = stat("/Applications/Cydia.app", (struct stat *)va1) == 0;
  v20 = stat("/var/lib/cydia/", (struct stat *)va1) == 0;
  v21 = (stat("/var/cache/apt", (struct stat *)va1) == 0 || v20 || v19 || v18) | v17 | v14;
  if ( dladdr(&_stat, (Dl_info *)va) )
    v21 |= strcmp(v34, "/usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib") != 0;
  v22 = getenv("DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES");
  v23 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(void *))sub_104C831E0)(&unk_1063357B0);
  v24 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue)(v23);
  if ( v22 || v21 )
    ((void (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_release)(v24);
    v26 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(void *))sub_104C2B780)(&unk_1063457C8);
    v27 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue)(v26);
    v28 = sub_104C031E0();
    v29 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue)(v28);
    v30 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(void *))sub_104C8B4A0)(&OBJC_CLASS___NSString);
    v31 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue)(v30);
    ((void (__fastcall *)(void *))sub_104C96DA0)(&unk_106361810);
    ((void (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_release)(v31);
    ((void (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_release)(v29);
    ((void (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_release)(v27);
    v32 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(void *))sub_104BDFEA0)(&unk_10633F200);
    v33 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue)(v32);
    ((void (__fastcall *)(void *))sub_104C86300)(&unk_10633F250);
    result = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_release)(v33);
    ((void (__fastcall *)(__int64))objc_release)(v24);
    result = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(void *))sub_104BE4C00)(&OBJC_CLASS___UIView);
  return result;

用 frida hook

frida-trace -UF -i "stat" -f xxx
frida-trace -UF -i "dladdr" -f xxxx

log(Thread.backtrace(this.context, Backtracer.ACCURATE).map(DebugSymbol.fromAddress).join('\n') + '\n');

hook stat

 * Auto-generated by Frida. Please modify to match the signature of stat.
 * This stub is currently auto-generated from manpages when available.
 * For full API reference, see: https://frida.re/docs/javascript-api/

   * Called synchronously when about to call stat.
   * @this {object} - Object allowing you to store state for use in onLeave.
   * @param {function} log - Call this function with a string to be presented to the user.
   * @param {array} args - Function arguments represented as an array of NativePointer objects.
   * For example use args[0].readUtf8String() if the first argument is a pointer to a C string encoded as UTF-8.
   * It is also possible to modify arguments by assigning a NativePointer object to an element of this array.
   * @param {object} state - Object allowing you to keep state across function calls.
   * Only one JavaScript function will execute at a time, so do not worry about race-conditions.
   * However, do not use this to store function arguments across onEnter/onLeave, but instead
   * use "this" which is an object for keeping state local to an invocation.
  onEnter(log, args, state) {
    log(`stat(fildes=${args[0]}, buf=${args[1]})`);

    this.args0 = args[0]; // 入参
    this.args2 = args[1]; // 返回值指针



   * Called synchronously when about to return from stat.
   * See onEnter for details.
   * @this {object} - Object allowing you to access state stored in onEnter.
   * @param {function} log - Call this function with a string to be presented to the user.
   * @param {NativePointer} retval - Return value represented as a NativePointer object.
   * @param {object} state - Object allowing you to keep state across function calls.
  onLeave(log, retval, state) {
    var newstr = this.args0 .readUtf8String();//oldNSStr.toString();
||  newstr.search("MobileSubstrate")>0
||  newstr.search("private---")>0
||  newstr.search("cydia")>0
||  newstr.search("Applications")>0
||  newstr.search("apt")>0
      log("=========checkJB=hook===========" );
      //var str = ObjC.classes.NSString.stringWithString_('{"ret":0,"msg":null,"data":{"c":3,"t":6,"w":60,"fc":1}}');  // 对应的oc语法:NSString *str = [NSString stringWithString:@"hi with!"];
      //args[2] = str;

    retval.replace(0xf1)  // 修改返回值 0xffffffffffffffff
    log(Thread.backtrace(this.context, Backtracer.ACCURATE).map(DebugSymbol.fromAddress).join('\n') + '\n');


hook md5

frida-trace -UF -i "CC_MD5" -f xxxxxxx.xxx.xxxx

 * Auto-generated by Frida. Please modify to match the signature of CC_MD5.
 * This stub is currently auto-generated from manpages when available.
 * For full API reference, see: https://frida.re/docs/javascript-api/

   * Called synchronously when about to call CC_MD5.
   * @this {object} - Object allowing you to store state for use in onLeave.
   * @param {function} log - Call this function with a string to be presented to the user.
   * @param {array} args - Function arguments represented as an array of NativePointer objects.
   * For example use args[0].readUtf8String() if the first argument is a pointer to a C string encoded as UTF-8.
   * It is also possible to modify arguments by assigning a NativePointer object to an element of this array.
   * @param {object} state - Object allowing you to keep state across function calls.
   * Only one JavaScript function will execute at a time, so do not worry about race-conditions.
   * However, do not use this to store function arguments across onEnter/onLeave, but instead
   * use "this" which is an object for keeping state local to an invocation.
  onEnter(log, args, state) {
    this.args0 = args[0]; // 入参
    this.args2 = args[2]; // 返回值指针

   * Called synchronously when about to return from CC_MD5.
   * See onEnter for details.
   * @this {object} - Object allowing you to access state stored in onEnter.
   * @param {function} log - Call this function with a string to be presented to the user.
   * @param {NativePointer} retval - Return value represented as a NativePointer object.
   * @param {object} state - Object allowing you to keep state across function calls.
  onLeave(log, retval, state) {
    var ByteArray = Memory.readByteArray(this.args2, 16);
    var uint8Array = new Uint8Array(ByteArray);

    var str = "";
    for(var i = 0; i < uint8Array.length; i++) {
        var hextemp = (uint8Array[i].toString(16))
        if(hextemp.length == 1){
            hextemp = "0" + hextemp
        str += hextemp;
    log(`CC_MD5(${this.args0.readUtf8String()})`);    // 入参


    rebind_symbols((struct rebinding[1]){{"stat", my_stat, (void *)&orig_stat}}, 1);
    rebind_symbols((struct rebinding[1]){{"strcmp", my_strcmp, (void *)&orig_strcmp}}, 1);
//void     abort(void) __dead2;
 void abort_hook(void) {
static void (*abort_old)(void);

//int     stat(const char *, struct stat *) __DARWIN_INODE64(stat);
static int     (*orig_stat)(const char *age1, struct stat * age2) ;
static int my_stat(const char *age1, struct stat *age2){
    //NSLog(@"[orig_stat =================]");
    printf("[orig_stat =hook================]\n my_stat  age1=%s ,Cydia=%s\n ",age1,strstr(age1, "Cydia"));
     int isfind = 0;
    if(strstr(age1, "Cydia") != NULL){
        isfind = 1;
    }else if (strstr(age1, "cydia") != NULL){
        isfind = 1;
    }else if (strstr(age1, "MobileSubstrate") != NULL){
        isfind = 1;
    }else if (strstr(age1, "Applications") != NULL){
        isfind = 1;
    }else if (strstr(age1, "apt") != NULL){
        isfind = 1;
     if(isfind == 1){
         NSLog(@" ========hook=stat===%s\n ",age1);
         return 1;//返回不存在
    return orig_stat(age1,age2);

//如果返回值 < 0,则表示 str1 小于 str2。
//如果返回值 > 0,则表示 str2 小于 str1。
//如果返回值 = 0,则表示 str1 等于 str2。
//int     strcmp(const char *__s1, const char *__s2);
static int (*orig_strcmp)(const char *__s1, const char *__s2);
static int my_strcmp(const char *__s1, const char *__s2){
    if(strstr(__s2, "libsystem_kernel") != NULL){
        NSLog(@" ========hook=strcmp===%s %s\n ",__s1,__s2);
        return 0;//返回相等
    return orig_strcmp(__s1,__s2);


- (void)isOk0 {
    NSString *cydiaPath = @"/Applications/Cydia.app";
    NSString *aptPath = @"/private/var/lib/apt/";
    NSString *applications = @"/User/Applications/";
    NSString *Mobile = @"/Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib";
    NSString *bash = @"/bin/bash";
    NSString *sshd =@"/usr/sbin/sshd";
    NSString *sd = @"/etc/apt";
    if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:cydiaPath]) {
    if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:aptPath]) {
    if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:cydiaPath]) {
    if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:aptPath]) {
    if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:applications]){
    if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:Mobile]){
    if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:bash]){
    if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:sshd]){
    if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:sd]){

- (void)isOK1 {
    //可能存在hook了NSFileManager方法,此处用底层C stat去检测
    // /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib 最重要的越狱文件,几乎所有的越狱机都会安装MobileSubstrate
    // /Applications/Cydia.app/ /var/lib/cydia/绝大多数越狱机都会安装
    struct stat stat_info;
    if (0 == stat("/Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib", &stat_info)) {
    if (0 == stat("/Applications/Cydia.app", &stat_info)) {
    if (0 == stat("/var/lib/cydia/", &stat_info)) {
    if (0 == stat("/var/cache/apt", &stat_info)) {
    if (0 == stat("/var/lib/apt", &stat_info)) {
    if (0 == stat("/etc/apt", &stat_info)) {
    if (0 == stat("/bin/bash", &stat_info)) {
    if (0 == stat("/bin/sh", &stat_info)) {
    if (0 == stat("/usr/sbin/sshd", &stat_info)) {
    if (0 == stat("/usr/libexec/ssh-keysign", &stat_info)) {
    if (0 == stat("/etc/ssh/sshd_config", &stat_info)) {
//如果返回值 < 0,则表示 str1 小于 str2。
//如果返回值 > 0,则表示 str2 小于 str1。
//如果返回值 = 0,则表示 str1 等于 str2。
- (void)isOK2 {
    int ret;
    Dl_info dylib_info;
    int (*func_stat)(const char *,struct stat *) = stat;
    if ((ret = dladdr(&func_stat, &dylib_info))) {
        NSLog(@"lib:%s",dylib_info.dli_fname);      //如果不是系统库,肯定被攻击了
        if (strcmp(dylib_info.dli_fname, "/usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib")) {    //不相等,肯定被攻击了,相等为0
- (void)isOK3 {
    //通常情况下,会包含越狱机的输出结果会包含字符串: Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib 。
    uint32_t count = _dyld_image_count();
    for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < count; ++i) {
        NSString *name = [[NSString alloc]initWithUTF8String:_dyld_get_image_name(i)];
        if ([name containsString:@"Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib"]) {
- (void)isOK4 {
    char *env = getenv("DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES");
    if (env != NULL) {
//对于这些函数,不建议单独写方法,容易被hook掉,所以最好是写在不能被hook的函数里,比如application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions。。。
标签: ios 安全

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_21051503/article/details/133779055
版权归原作者 ios and Android 所有, 如有侵权,请联系我们删除。

