使用Stable Diffusion和Pokedex的描述生成神奇宝贝图片

还记得我们以前使用GAN、Clip、DALL-E生成神奇宝贝的文章吗,现在是时候使用Stable Diffusion了

在本文中,我将展示如何从神奇宝贝系列不同游戏中的Pokedex条目中获取神奇宝贝描述,并使用Stable Diffusion根据这些藐视生成图片,这样可以看看AI如何解释这些描述的。这篇文章中,我只生成了最初的150个神奇宝贝,如果需要其他的可以自行尝试。


第一件事是获得Pokedex的描述。这些Pokedex的描述将作为生成图片的文本提示。我最初的想法是为pokemon.com编写一个webscraper,Pokedex Number (NPN)执行搜索查询。这并不是很难做到,但是有一个叫做PyPokedex的小Python库非常的好用,如果你对编程和神奇宝贝感兴趣,我建议你去看看!



  1. pokemon=pypokedex.get(dex=poke_id)


  1. poke_name=pokemon.name

下一步就是用get_descriptions方法获取Pokedex描述。这里我们使用《Pokemon Yellow》的Pokedex中的描述,因为这代大家都应该知道

  1. yellow_description=pokemon.get_descriptions()[ver]


  1. prompt = poke_name + " " + yellow_description


第二步:设置Stable AI

我们已经有文本了,下面开始准备Stable Diffusion模型。用下面这行代码安装必要的包:

  1. %pipinstallquietupgradediffuserstransformersacceleratemediapyscipyftfyspacy


  1. github_url="https://github.com/brian6091/xformers-wheels"
  2. xformer_id="0.0.15.dev0+4c06c79"
  3. xformers_wheels=f"xformers-{xformer_id}.d20221205-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl
  4. %pipinstall-q {github_url}/releases/download/{xformer_id}/{xformers_wheels}


  1. model_id=“dreamlike-art/dreamlike-photoreal-2.0


  1. importmediapyasmedia
  2. importtorch
  3. fromdiffusersimportStableDiffusionPipeline
  4. device="cuda"
  5. ifmodel_id.startswith("stabilityai/"):
  6. model_revision="fp16"
  7. else:
  8. model_revision=None
  9. ifschedulerisNone:
  10. pipe=StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
  11. model_id,
  12. torch_dtype=torch.float16,
  13. revision=model_revision,
  14. )
  15. else:
  16. pipe=StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
  17. model_id,
  18. scheduler=scheduler,
  19. torch_dtype=torch.float16,
  20. revision=model_revision,
  21. )
  22. pipe=pipe.to(device)
  23. pipe.enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention()
  24. ifmodel_id.endswith('-base'):
  25. image_length=512
  26. else:
  27. image_length=768


  1. remove_safety=False
  2. num_images=4
  3. ifremove_safety:
  4. negative_prompt=None
  5. else:
  6. negative_prompt="nude, naked"
  7. images=pipe(
  8. prompt,
  9. height=image_length,
  10. width=image_length,
  11. num_inference_steps=25,
  12. guidance_scale=9,
  13. num_images_per_prompt=num_images,
  14. negative_prompt=negative_prompt,
  15. ).images
  16. media.show_images(images)



  1. defmakePokemonFromPokedex(ver,nPokemon):
  2. #Loop over nPokemons to get the descritptions and generate images for each
  3. #poke_id = 1
  4. forpoke_idinrange(1, nPokemon+1, 1):
  5. #print(poke_id)
  6. #Specify which Pokemon we want to query using its ID number
  7. pokemon=pypokedex.get(dex=poke_id)
  8. #print(pokemon)
  9. #This is the name of the Pokemon we are querying
  10. poke_name=pokemon.name
  11. #This is the PokeDex desciption for the current Pokemon
  12. yellow_description=pokemon.get_descriptions()[ver]
  13. #This is the prompt I'll feed to the AI
  14. prompt=poke_name+" "+yellow_description
  15. #print(prompt)
  16. remove_safety=False
  17. num_images=4
  18. ifremove_safety:
  19. negative_prompt=None
  20. else:
  21. negative_prompt="nude, naked"
  22. images=pipe(
  23. prompt,
  24. height=image_length,
  25. width=image_length,
  26. num_inference_steps=25,
  27. guidance_scale=9,
  28. num_images_per_prompt=num_images,
  29. negative_prompt=negative_prompt,
  30. ).images
  31. fname='poke_'+str(poke_id)
  32. get_concat_h_multi_blank(images).save(fname+'.jpg')




Metapod — The prompt for this is “It is waiting for the moment to evolve. At this stage, it can only harden, so it remains motionless to avoid attack”.


Weedle —T he prompt for this is “Beware of the sharp stinger on its head. It hides in grass and bushes where it eats leaves”.


Beedrill— The prompt for this is “It has three poisonous stingers on its forelegs and its tail. They are used to jab its enemy repeatedly”.


Ekans— The prompt for this is “The older it gets, the longer it grows. At night, it wraps its long body around tree branches to rest.”.


Sandshrew— The prompt for this is “It loves to bathe in the grit of dry, sandy areas. By sand bathing, the Pokémon rids itself of dirt and moisture clinging to its body.”. Image by author.


Sandslash— The prompt for this is “The drier the area Sandslash lives in, the harder and smoother the Pokémon’s spikes will feel when touched.”. Image by author.


Nidorino— The prompt for this is “With a horn that’s harder than diamond, this Pokémon goes around shattering boulders as it searches for a moon stone.”. Image by author.


Ninetales— The prompt for this is “It is said to live 1,000 years, and each of its tails is loaded with supernatural powers”. Image by author.


Oddish— The prompt for this is “If exposed to moonlight, it starts to move. It roams far and wide at night to scatter its seeds.”. Image by author.


Diglett— The prompt for this is “If a Diglett digs through a field, it leaves the soil perfectly tilled and ideal for planting crops.”. Image by author.


Poliwag— The prompt for this is “For Poliwag, swimming is easier than walking. The swirl pattern on its belly is actually part of the Pokémon’s innards showing through the skin.”. Image by author.


Tentacruel— The prompt for this is “When the red orbs on Tentacruel’s head glow brightly, watch out. The Pokémon is about to fire off a burst of ultrasonic waves.”. Image by author.

作者:Victor Murcia

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