这里先简单说一下,本博客以后主要更新与Linux和Unix有关的系统知识。也主要是讲黑客系统kali,为了方便我们使用kali和训练阅读英语文档的能力,所以我之后的内容全部写英文。当然也会涉及操作系统的开发,但主要还是纯技术的分享。如果对鸿蒙应用开发,cocos游戏开发感兴趣的,可以私信,我之后也可以出一些开发教程。Ok, Let us go for it!
Why Hackers Use Linux
So why do hackers use Linux over other operating systeam? Mostly because Linux provides a far higher level of cntrol via a few different methods.
Introduce of Linux
Linux is a open source, meaning that the source code of the operating system is available to you. And we can do everything that as you please. Besides, Linux is a transparent. As for a hacker, you must make a good use of your operating system and understand your operating system. So, Linux is transparent, we can see how its working principle. Unlike windows, Linux have a higher right to control your computer. In Linux, everything can be controled by the terminal. And most hacking tools are written for Linux. If you want to be a hacker, study Linux is must. For example, ios is based on Unix, android is based on Linux. Common Linux systems include Ubuntu, kali, and centos. Common Unix systems include xv6 and Mac os.
The future of Linux/Unix
Firstly, network security is a very big problem in China. Talents in this field are far less than algorithms and market development. Since the internet began, LInux/Unix has been the operating system of choice for web servers. So if you believe that the future of computing lies in mobile devices such as tablets and phones (it would be hard to argue other- wise), then the future is Unix/Linux. Microsoft Windows has just 7 percent of the mobile devices market. Is that the wagon you want to be hitched to?
How to install kali Linux
Windows (It is recommended to refer to the installation video of Bilibili.)
In windows, you must download a Virtual Machines(vm). So, we will install first.
we go to the Download VMware Workstation Pro . Then downloads vm.
Then we go to the Get Kali | Kali Linux
Download a version for your computer.
Since the installation is too simple, there is no more nonsense here. If it is difficult for you, it is recommended to go to Bilibili to watch the corresponding video.
Unix (It is recommended to refer to the installation video of Bilibili.)
In Unix, we can download the ARM version, then install it in your Macbook to form a dual systems.
Hard disk (It is recommended to refer to the installation video of Bilibili.)
There are many ways to install kali.
When you done everything well, you are now ready to begin your journey into the exciting field of hacking. Congratulations to you!
The next article will enter the first part(Started with common Linux sense) of the study.
Thank you for browsing!
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