小于n的最大数 Leetcode 902 Numbers At Most N Given Digit Set


题目一: 小于n的最大数

问题描述:给一个数组nums=[5,4,8,2],给一个n=5416, 让你从nums中选出一些元素,使得组成的数字是小于n的最大数,比如这个例子应该返回5288

classSolution:defget_num(self, candidates, num):
        max_str =str(max(list(candidates)))
        num_str =str(num)defget_lower_largest_digit_dic(candidates):
            prev =Nonefor i inrange(10):
                dic[str(i)]= prev
                if i in candidates:
                    prev =str(i)return dic
        lower_largest_digit_dic = get_lower_largest_digit_dic(candidates)
        i,l =0,len(num_str)
        res_str_arr =['0'for i inrange(l)]while(i<l):ifint(num_str[i])in candidates and i<l-1:# 第一阶段,相等的一直往后填
                res_str_arr[i]= num_str[i]
                i +=1else:# 第二阶段:遇到最后一个,或者没有相等的(也分为几种情况),统一填为lower_largest_digit,然后后面统一填最大
                digit = lower_largest_digit_dic[num_str[i]]while digit ==Noneand i >0:#一直找不到,一直回溯
                    i -=1
                    digit = lower_largest_digit_dic[num_str[i]]# 按照while不成功的情况讨论下if i ==0and digit ==Noneand l ==1:returnNoneif i ==0and digit ==Noneand l >1:
                    res_str_arr[i]= digit
                for j inrange(i+1,l):
                    res_str_arr[j]= max_str
                returnint(''.join(res_str_arr))if __name__ =='__main__':
    s = Solution()print(s.get_num({1,2,9,4},2533))# 2499print(s.get_num({1,2,5,4},2543))# 2542print(s.get_num({1,2,5,4},2541))# 2525print(s.get_num({1,2,9,4},2111))# 1999print(s.get_num({5,9},5555))#999

题目二: 最大为 N 的数字组合


Given an array of digits which is sorted in non-decreasing order. You can write numbers using each digits[i] as many times as we want. For example, if digits = [‘1’,‘3’,‘5’], we may write numbers such as ‘13’, ‘551’, and ‘1351315’.

Return the number of positive integers that can be generated that are less than or equal to a given integer n.

Example 1:

Input: digits = [“1”,“3”,“5”,“7”], n = 100
Output: 20
The 20 numbers that can be written are:
1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 31, 33, 35, 37, 51, 53, 55, 57, 71, 73, 75, 77.
Example 2:

Input: digits = [“1”,“4”,“9”], n = 1000000000
Output: 29523
We can write 3 one digit numbers, 9 two digit numbers, 27 three digit numbers,
81 four digit numbers, 243 five digit numbers, 729 six digit numbers,
2187 seven digit numbers, 6561 eight digit numbers, and 19683 nine digit numbers.
In total, this is 29523 integers that can be written using the digits array.
Example 3:

Input: digits = [“7”], n = 8
Output: 1


1 <= digits.length <= 9
digits[i].length == 1
digits[i] is a digit from ‘1’ to ‘9’.
All the values in digits are unique.
digits is sorted in non-decreasing order.
1 <= n <= 109


classSolution:defatMostNGivenDigitSet(self, digits: List[str], n:int)->int:defget_lt_digit_cnt_dic(digits_set):
            dic ={}
            prev =0for i inrange(0,10):
                stri =str(i)
                dic[stri]= prev
                if stri in digits_set:
                    prev +=1return dic

        digits_set =set(digits)
        lt_digit_cnt_dic = get_lt_digit_cnt_dic(digits_set)
        dl =len(digits)
        nl =len(str(n))

        factorial =[1for i inrange(nl)]for i inrange(1,nl):
            factorial[i]= factorial[i-1]*dl
        res1 =sum(factorial[i]for i inrange(1,nl))

        res2,i =0,0
        strn =str(n)while i<nl:
            lt_digit_cnt = lt_digit_cnt_dic[strn[i]]
            res2 += lt_digit_cnt * factorial[nl-(i+1)]if(strn[i]notin digits_set):break
            i+=1# 这个条件容易漏掉,例如digits =["3","4","8"], n = 4if i == nl and strn[nl-1]in digits_set:
            res2 +=1# print(res1)return res1+res2

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/taoqick/article/details/137201230
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“小于n的最大数 Leetcode 902 Numbers At Most N Given Digit Set”的评论:
