

  1. 每科成绩都大于80分的学生信息1. 建表+初始化 --创建表scdn_student_score_test 并且初始化三个学生成绩create table hdw_tmp_dev.scdn_student_score_test as select '张三' as name,'数学' as subject ,'80' as score union all select '张三' as name,'语文' as subject ,'90' as scoreunion all select '张三' as name,'英语' as subject ,'90' as score union all select '李四' as name,'数学' as subject ,'90' as scoreunion all select '李四' as name,'语文' as subject ,'90' as scoreunion all select '李四' as name,'英语' as subject ,'70' as score union all select '王五' as name,'数学' as subject ,'90' as scoreunion all select '王五' as name,'语文' as subject ,'90' as scoreunion all select '王五' as name,'英语' as subject ,'50' as score --查询结果显示| scdn_student_score_test.name | scdn_student_score_test.subject | scdn_student_score_test.score |+-------------------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------+| 张三 | 数学 | 80 || 张三 | 语文 | 90 || 张三 | 英语 | 90 || 李四 | 数学 | 90 || 李四 | 语文 | 90 || 李四 | 英语 | 70 || 王五 | 数学 | 90 || 王五 | 语文 | 90 || 王五 | 英语 | 50 |+-------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------求所有学科成绩都大于等于80分的学生姓名2. 思路一(思维转换):所有问题找最小(最大) select t1.name ,t1.min_score from ( select name ,min(score) as min_score from hdw_tmp_dev.scdn_student_score_test group by name ) as t1 --求出最小的成绩where t1.min_score >=80 --最小成绩大于等于80,则这个学生的所有成绩都会大于等于803. 执行结果4. 思路二(巧用左关联进行筛选): select t1.name from ( select name from hdw_tmp_dev.scdn_student_score_test group by name ) as t1 left join ( select name from hdw_tmp_dev.scdn_student_score_test where score <80 group by name ) as t2 on t1.name = t2.namewhere t2.name is null

  2. 连续登录问题1. 建表+初始化 create table hdw_tmp_dev.csdn_user_login_test as select 'xiaoming' as user_name,'2024-01-01' as login_date union all select 'xiaoming' as user_name,'2024-01-02' as login_date union all select 'xiaoming' as user_name,'2024-01-03' as login_dateunion all select 'xiaoming' as user_name,'2024-01-04' as login_dateunion all select 'xiaoming' as user_name,'2024-01-05' as login_dateunion all select 'dahuang' as user_name,'2024-01-02' as login_date union all select 'dahuang' as user_name,'2024-01-03' as login_dateunion all select 'dahuang' as user_name,'2024-01-04' as login_dateunion all select 'dahuang' as user_name,'2024-01-05' as login_dateunion all select 'lucky_dog' as user_name,'2024-01-01' as login_date union all select 'lucky_dog' as user_name,'2024-01-03' as login_dateunion all select 'lucky_dog' as user_name,'2024-01-04' as login_dateunion all select 'lucky_dog' as user_name,'2024-01-05' as login_date2. Sql参考 select t2.user_name ,t2.date_begin_flag ,count(1) as max_login_daysfrom ( select t1.user_name ,t1.login_date ,date_sub(date(login_date),t1.rn) as date_begin_flag from ( select user_name ,login_date ,row_number()over(partition by user_name order by login_date) as rn from hdw_tmp_dev.csdn_user_login_test ) as t1) as t2 group by t2.user_name ,t2.date_begin_flag3. 执行过程+结果

  3. 行列转换问题1. 建表+初始化:参考问题一的表 | t1.name | t1.subject | t1.score |+-------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------+| 张三 | 数学 | 80 || 张三 | 语文 | 90 || 张三 | 英语 | 90 || 李四 | 数学 | 90 || 李四 | 语文 | 90 || 李四 | 英语 | 70 || 王五 | 数学 | 90 || 王五 | 语文 | 90 || 王五 | 英语 | 50 |+-------------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------2. 行专列Sql参考 select name ,max(case when subject = '数学' then score end) as math_score ,max(case when subject = '语文' then score end) as china_score ,max(case when subject = '英语' then score end) as english_scorefrom hdw_tmp_dev.scdn_student_score_testgroup by name 3. 行专列执行结果4. 列转行:可以参考建表初始化语句(union all) select name ,collect_set(subject) as subject_setfrom hdw_tmp_dev.scdn_student_score_testgroup by name 5. 每个学生选课结果(多行变一行):6. 将上面的结果展开(一行变多行)数据准备:create table hdw_tmp_dev.scdn_student_score_test_collect as select 'zhangsan' as name ,'"数学","语文","英语"' as subject_listunion all select 'lisi' as name ,'"美术","生物","物理"' as subject_listunion all select 'wangwu' as name ,'"计算机","日语","韩语"' as subject_list7. 炸开代码 select name ,subject_list ,subject_namefrom hdw_tmp_dev.scdn_student_score_test_collectlateral view explode(split(subject_list,',')) extend_sub as subject_name8. 结果

  4. 留存问题:看当天登录后第N天是否登录1. 建表+初始化:参照连续登录表2. Sql参考 --方案一:利用lead(日期,N)是否等于 当天登录实践+N天select t1.user_name ,t1.logon_date ,case when lead1_logon_date = date_add(logon_date,1) then '1天留存' end as 1day_remain ,case when lead3_logon_date = date_add(logon_date,3) then '3天留存' end as 3day_remainfrom ( select user_name ,logon_date ,lead(user_name,1)over(partition by user_name order by logon_date) as lead1_user_name ,lead(logon_date,1)over(partition by user_name order by logon_date) as lead1_logon_date ,lead(user_name,3)over(partition by user_name order by logon_date) as lead3_user_name ,lead(logon_date,3)over(partition by user_name order by logon_date) as lead3_logon_date from hdw_tmp_dev.csdn_user_logon_test) as t1 --方案二:select t2.first_log_date as first_log_date ,count(t2.user_id) as new_user_cnt --新用户数 ,count(t3.user_id) as next_user_id --次日回访用户数 ,count(t4.user_id) as 30_user_id --30天回访用户数 ,count(t3.user_id)/count(t2.user_id) as next_back_rate --次日回访率 ,count(t4.user_id)/count(t2.user_id) as 30_back_rate --30天回访率from ( select first_log_date ,user_id ,date_add(first_log_date,1) as next_log_date ,date_add(first_log_date,29) as 30_log_date from ( select user_id ,log_time ,first_value(date(log_time))over(partition by user_id) as first_log_date from user_log ) as t1 group by first_log_date ,user_id ) as t2 left join ( select user_id ,date(log_date) as log_date from user_log group by user_id ,date(log_date) as log_date ) as t3 on t2.user_id = t2.user_id and t2.next_log_date = t3.log_dateleft join ( select user_id ,date(log_date) as log_date from user_log group by user_id ,date(log_date) as log_date ) as t4 on t2.user_id = t4.user_id and t2.30_log_date = t4.log_dategroup by t2.first_log_date 3. 方案一执行结果

  5. TopN问题1. 建表+初始化 create table hdw_tmp_dev.scdn_student_score_test1 as select '张三' as name,'数学' as subject ,'80' as score union all select '张三' as name,'语文' as subject ,'90' as scoreunion all select '张三' as name,'英语' as subject ,'90' as score union all select '李四' as name,'数学' as subject ,'90' as scoreunion all select '李四' as name,'语文' as subject ,'90' as scoreunion all select '李四' as name,'英语' as subject ,'70' as score union all select '王五' as name,'数学' as subject ,'90' as scoreunion all select '王五' as name,'语文' as subject ,'90' as scoreunion all select '王五' as name,'英语' as subject ,'50' as score union all select '小明' as name,'数学' as subject ,'88' as scoreunion all select '小明' as name,'语文' as subject ,'99' as scoreunion all select '小明' as name,'英语' as subject ,'77' as scoreunion all select '小文' as name,'数学' as subject ,'66' as scoreunion all select '小文' as name,'语文' as subject ,'89' as scoreunion all select '小文' as name,'英语' as subject ,'90' as score2. Sql参考:求每科前三名对应的人员的成绩单 select *from ( select name ,subject ,score ,row_number()over(partition by subject order by score desc) as rn from hdw_tmp_dev.scdn_student_score_test1) as t1 where rn<=33. 执行结果

  6. 累计计算问题1. 建表+初始化 create table hdw_tmp_dev.user_sale_date as select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-01' as sale_date, 100 as amount union all select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-02' as sale_date, 200 as amount union all select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-03' as sale_date, 300 as amount union all select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-04' as sale_date, 400 as amount union all select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-05' as sale_date, 500 as amount union all select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-06' as sale_date, 600 as amount 2. SQL逻辑 select user_id ,sale_date ,amount ,sum(amount)over(partition by user_id order by sale_date) as accuma_amount --按日期逐渐累加 ,sum(amount)over(partition by user_id) as total_amount --按人汇总 ,avg(amount)over(partition by user_id) as avg_amount --安人平均每天 ,max(amount)over(partition by user_id) as max_amount --单日最大销售 ,min(amount)over(partition by user_id) as min_amount --单日最小销售from hdw_tmp_dev.user_sale_date3. 结果展示


  1. 直播间在线最大人数1. 建表+初始化 create table hdw_tmp_dev.csdn_user_login_time_detail as select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-01 10:00:00' as begin_time,'2024-02-01 12:00:00' as end_time union all select '002' as user_id,'2024-02-01 11:00:00' as begin_time,'2024-02-01 13:00:00' as end_time union all select '003' as user_id,'2024-02-01 11:00:00' as begin_time,'2024-02-01 14:00:00' as end_time union all select '004' as user_id,'2024-02-01 15:00:00' as begin_time,'2024-02-01 16:00:00' as end_time 2. SQL逻辑 select t1.user_id ,t1.time1 ,t1.flag ,sum(flag)over(order by t1.time1) as user_cnt from ( select user_id ,begin_time as time1 ,1 as flag from hdw_tmp_dev.csdn_user_login_time_detail union all select user_id ,end_time ,-1 as flag from hdw_tmp_dev.csdn_user_login_time_detail) as t1 3. 结果展示

  2. SQL循环1. 建表+初始化 create table hdw_tmp_dev.cycle_1 as select '1011' as a union all select '0101' as a2. SQL逻辑 select a, concat_ws(",",collect_list(cast(index as string))) as resfrom ( select a, index+1 as index, chr from ( select a, concat_ws(",",substr(a,1,1),substr(a,2,1),substr(a,3,1),substr(a,-1)) str from hdw_tmp_dev.cycle_1 as t8 ) tmp1 lateral view posexplode(split(str,",")) t as index,chr where chr = "1") tmp2group by a;3. 结果展示

  3. 计算中位数1. 建表+初始化: create table hdw_tmp_dev.user_sale_date as select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-01' as sale_date, 100 as amount union all select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-02' as sale_date, 200 as amount union all select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-03' as sale_date, 300 as amount union all select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-04' as sale_date, 400 as amount union all select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-05' as sale_date, 500 as amount union all select '001' as user_id,'2024-02-06' as sale_date, 600 as amount 2. SQL逻辑 select t1.user_id ,t1.sale_date ,t1.amount ,avg(t1.amount)over(partition by t1.user_id) as zhongwenshufrom ( select user_id ,sale_date ,amount ,row_number()over(partition by user_id order by amount) as rn from hdw_tmp_dev.user_sale_date) as t1 left join ( select user_id ,count(1) as cnt from hdw_tmp_dev.user_sale_date group by user_id ) as t2 on t1.user_id = t2.user_id where t1.rn in (cnt/2,(cnt+1)/2,cnt/2+1)--总个数为奇数命中(cnt+1)/2;总个数为偶数命中:cnt/2,cnt/2+1,两数相加求平均值3. 结果展示

  4. 产生连续数值1. SQL逻辑 --产生1到10的连续数据select start_id + pos as id ,pos ,valfrom( select 1 as start_id, 10 as end_id) m lateral view posexplode(split(space(end_id - start_id),'')) t as pos, val--方案二select row_number() over() as idfrom (select split(space(99), '') as x) tlateral viewexplode(x) ex;2. 结果展示

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/xiayuhaisong/article/details/136066290
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