理解offset in Python

  • Overview在Python函数中,经常出现offset相关参数。大概理解是与频率、位置之类的概念相关,具体怎么理解呢?

  • Offset alias in PandasFrom Pandas (notes its pandas not python) docs: Time series / date functionalityA number of string aliases are given to useful common time series frequencies. We will refer to these aliases as offset aliases.AliasDescriptionBbusiness day frequencyCcustom business day frequencyDcalendar day frequencyWweekly frequencyMmonth end frequencySMsemi-month end frequency (15th and end of month)BMbusiness month end frequencyCBMcustom business month end frequencyMSmonth start frequencySMSsemi-month start frequency (1st and 15th)BMSbusiness month start frequencyCBMScustom business month start frequencyQquarter end frequencyBQbusiness quarter end frequencyQSquarter start frequencyBQSbusiness quarter start frequencyA, Yyear end frequencyBA, BYbusiness year end frequencyAS, YSyear start frequencyBAS, BYSbusiness year start frequencyBHbusiness hour frequencyHhourly frequencyT, minminutely frequencySsecondly frequencyL, msmillisecondsU, usmicrosecondsNnanoseconds
  • Offset in PythonFrom fileObject.seek(offset[, whence]), offset is the postion of the read/write pointer within the file;From [1], Offset is a positional distance, typically between the beginning of something and the position of interest.
  • Summaryoffset理解为偏移,positional distance.

  • References

  1. StockOverflow: What do “chunk”, “block”, “offset”, “buffer”, and “sector” mean?
标签: offset Python

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/The_Time_Runner/article/details/116090393
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