flink kafka scan =.startup.mode的几个选项

flink kafka scan =.startup.mode的几个选项

  • group-offsets: start from committed offsets in ZK / Kafka brokers of a specific consumer group.
  • earliest-offset: start from the earliest offset possible.
  • latest-offset: start from the latest offset.
  • timestamp: start from user-supplied timestamp for each partition.
  • specific-offsets: start from user-supplied specific offsets for each partition.
  • 默认选项是group-offset,表示从ZK/kafka代理中最后提交的偏移量中消费
  • 如果指定了时间戳,则需要另一个配置选项’scan.startup.timestamp-millis’ = '1648817042000’来指定特定时间戳
  • 如果指定了特定偏移量,则需要另一个配置选项scan.start . specific-offset为每个分区指定特定的启动偏移量,例如一个选项值分区:0,偏移量:42;分区:1,偏移:300表示分区0的偏移42,分区1的偏移300
标签: kafka flink 分布式

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41565000/article/details/125263973
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