- Elasticsearch8.4.0版本,配置文件中集群通信端口的配置名是transport.port,而7.几的是transport.tcp.port
- 问题:max number of threads [3795] for user [es] is too low 修改配置文件:
vim /etc/security/limits.conf
,添加如下配置* soft nproc 5000* hard nproc 5000
- 问题:max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65535] 修改配置文件:
vim /etc/security/limits.conf
,添加如下配置es soft nofile 65535es hard nofile 65537
- 问题:bootstrap check failure [1] of [1]: Transport SSL must be enabled if security is enabled. Please set [xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled] to [true] or disable security by setting [xpack.security.enabled] to [false] 修改配置文件:
vim /usr/local/elasticsearch-8.4.0/config/elasticsearch.yml
,添加如下#关闭安全认证,才能访问esxpack.security.enabled:falsexpack.security.http.ssl: enabled:false
- 问题:“Action failed with [index_not_yellow_timeout] Timeout waiting for the status of the [.kibana_8.1.0_001] index to become “yellow”. Retrying attempt 1 in 2 seconds.” Elasticsearch8.3.0和8.4.0版本集群搭建成功后,启动kibana时,报上述异常,kibana无法连接上ES集群服务,等待集群状态变绿,百度搜查一天也没找到真正的解决方法,大概就是说未进行分片操作,但是也不知道怎么操作。搭建7.x版本的ES集群时,集群状态为非绿色,kibana也能连接到ES集群服务。
本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_49076273/article/details/129329559
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