



  • Django 测试 Django 网页应用 - 学习 Web 开发 | MDN (mozilla.org)
  • 2LocalLibrary 测试 - 3模型- 3表单- 3视图 - 4仅限登录用户的视图- 4使用表单测试视图


Django 中的测试 | Django 文档 | Django (djangoproject.com)

  • 在 Django 中编写测试的首选方式是使用 Python 标准库中内置的 unittest 模块

编写并运行测试 | Django 文档 | Django (djangoproject.com)

测试工具 | Django 文档 | Django (djangoproject.com)



  • Django实际开发中的单元测试_django项目单元测试


  • 需要数据库的测试(即模型测试)将不会使用“实际”(生产)数据库。 将为测试创建单独的空白数据库。 - 知道这一点很重要,单元测试中的代码访问不了实际环境中的数据(这是测试隐含的一个特点) - 单元测试有临时数据(需要编写相关代码手动的创建符合测试要求(能够达到测试目的的数据,可能是精心设计的数据,未必是随意产生的数据)!)临时数据库(自动创建)来检测api功能- 所以,当你在你的测试代码中试图(通过某个接口)访问数据库中的数据时,一般都是空的结果- 这和python manage.py shell中的一次性临时测试不同(python shell的环境时可以访问到正式的数据库 - 在python shell 中不会自动创建临时数据库,它肯定用的时实际环境中的数据库而不是临时数据库(换句话说,和浏览器这类客户端访问的效果时一样的))- 在python manage.py test <test_target>的运行中情况大为不同,这种情况下会创建空白数据库(这也是为什么前面说,会出现api路由访问成功(譬如200 OK),但是数据内容却是空白数据的情况)- 因此,我们在编写测试的时候,特别是测试要访问数据库的的api的路由/功能时,需要编写相应的数据创建代码,来产生临时数据填充临时数据库,以供测试中的api或者其他代码读取数据


  • 但是,你可以通过使用 test --keepdb 选项来防止测试数据库被破坏。 - 这将在两次运行之间保留测试数据库。- 如果数据库不存在,将首先创建它。- 任何迁移都将被应用,以使其保持最新状态。


  • 如果你的代码在编译模块时试图访问数据库,这将在测试数据库建立 之前 发生,可能会产生意想不到的结果。 - 例如,如果你在模块级代码中进行数据库查询,并且存在真实的数据库,则生产数据可能会污染你的测试。- 无论如何,在代码中都包含这样的导入时数据库查询是一个坏主意——重写代码,使其不会执行此操作。


  • 编写你的第一个 Django 应用,第 5 部分 | Django 文档 | Django (djangoproject.com) - 该教程的源代码在github上有相关仓库(注意克隆下来的仓库可能是空的,但是不影响单元测试,数据可以在测试中创建,结束后销毁)- 自动化测试简介 - 自动化测试是什么?- 为什么你需要写测试 - 测试将节约你的时间- 测试不仅能发现错误,而且能预防错误- 测试使你的代码更有吸引力- 测试有利于团队协作- 基础测试策略- 开始写我们的第一个测试 - 首先得有个 Bug- 创建一个测试来暴露这个 bug- 运行测试- 修复这个 bug- 更全面的测试- 测试视图 - 针对视图的测试- Django 测试工具之 Client- 改善视图代码- 测试新视图- 测试 DetailView- 更多的测试思路- 当需要测试的时候,测试用例越多越好- 深入代码测试

manage.py test 的使用帮助

python manage.py test --help
usage: manage.py test [-h] [--noinput] [--failfast] [--testrunner TESTRUNNER]
                      [-t TOP_LEVEL] [-p PATTERN] [--keepdb]
                      [--shuffle [SEED]] [-r] [--debug-mode] [-d]
                      [--parallel [N]] [--tag TAGS]
                      [--exclude-tag EXCLUDE_TAGS] [--pdb] [-b]
                      [--no-faulthandler] [--timing] [-k TEST_NAME_PATTERNS]
                      [--version] [-v {0,1,2,3}] [--settings SETTINGS]
                      [--pythonpath PYTHONPATH] [--traceback] [--no-color]
                      [test_label ...]

Discover and run tests in the specified modules or the current directory.

positional arguments:
  test_label            Module paths to test; can be modulename,
                        modulename.TestCase or modulename.TestCase.test_method

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --noinput, --no-input
                        Tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any
  --failfast            Tells Django to stop running the test suite after
                        first failed test.
  --testrunner TESTRUNNER
                        Tells Django to use specified test runner class
                        instead of the one specified by the TEST_RUNNER
  -t TOP_LEVEL, --top-level-directory TOP_LEVEL
                        Top level of project for unittest discovery.
  -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
                        The test matching pattern. Defaults to test*.py.
  --keepdb              Preserves the test DB between runs.
  --shuffle [SEED]      Shuffles test case order.
  -r, --reverse         Reverses test case order.
  --debug-mode          Sets settings.DEBUG to True.
  -d, --debug-sql       Prints logged SQL queries on failure.
  --parallel [N]        Run tests using up to N parallel processes. Use the
                        value "auto" to run one test process for each
                        processor core.
  --tag TAGS            Run only tests with the specified tag. Can be used
                        multiple times.
  --exclude-tag EXCLUDE_TAGS
                        Do not run tests with the specified tag. Can be used
                        multiple times.
  --pdb                 Runs a debugger (pdb, or ipdb if installed) on error
                        or failure.
  -b, --buffer          Discard output from passing tests.
  --no-faulthandler     Disables the Python faulthandler module during tests.
  --timing              Output timings, including database set up and total
                        run time.
                        Only run test methods and classes that match the
                        pattern or substring. Can be used multiple times. Same
                        as unittest -k option.
  --version             Show program's version number and exit.
  -v {0,1,2,3}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3}
                        Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output,
                        2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output
  --settings SETTINGS   The Python path to a settings module, e.g.
                        "myproject.settings.main". If this isn't provided, the
                        DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be
  --pythonpath PYTHONPATH
                        A directory to add to the Python path, e.g.
  --traceback           Raise on CommandError exceptions.
  --no-color            Don't colorize the command output.
  --force-color         Force colorization of the command output.


pmg test word.test_dict.DictTestCase --keepdb --verbosity 2
  • pmg=python manage.py
  • word.test_dict.DictTestCase表示被测试的目标(这里是一个整个类)
  • --verbosity 2指定需要显示的测试过程信息
PS D:\repos\ELA\backEnd\ela&gt; pmg test  word.test_dict.DictTestCase --keepdb --verbosity 2
Found 5 test(s).
Using existing test database for alias 'default' ('test_ela4')...
Operations to perform:
  Synchronize unmigrated apps: coreapi, django_filters, drf_yasg, messages, rest_framework, staticfiles
  Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, polls, scoreImprover, sessions, user, word
Synchronizing apps without migrations:
  Creating tables...
    Running deferred SQL...
Running migrations:
  Applying user.0019_alter_user_examdate_alter_user_name_and_more... OK
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
test_demo (word.test_dict.DictTestCase) ... ['apple', 'ˈæp(ə)l', 'apples', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', "['n. 苹果']"]
@test_url /word/test/
{'spelling': 'apple', 'phnetic': 'ˈæp(ə)l', 'explains': "['n. 苹果']"}
@res.type: <class 'dict'="">
@res <response status_code="200," "application="" json"="">
@res.data {'spelling': 'apple', 'phnetic': 'ˈæp(ə)l', 'explains': "['n. 苹果']"}
test_false_is_true (word.test_dict.DictTestCase) ... Method: test_false_is_true.
test_no_explain (word.test_dict.DictTestCase) ... ok
test_one_plus_one_equals_two (word.test_dict.DictTestCase) ... Method: test_one_plus_one_equals_two.
test_reverse (word.test_dict.DictTestCase) ... @type_res: <class 'rest_framework.response.response'="">
@res.content {"detail":"Not found."}
@type_res_list: <class 'django.http.response.httpresponsepermanentredirect'="">

Ran 5 tests in 1.358s

Preserving test database for alias 'default' ('test_ela4')...


PS D:\repos\ELA\backEnd\ela&gt; pmg test  word.test_dict.DictTestCase --keepdb --verbosity 3
Found 5 test(s).
Using existing test database for alias 'default' ('test_ela4')...
Operations to perform:
  Synchronize unmigrated apps: coreapi, django_filters, drf_yasg, messages, rest_framework, staticfiles
  Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, polls, scoreImprover, sessions, user, word
Running pre-migrate handlers for application main
Running pre-migrate handlers for application scoreImprover
Running pre-migrate handlers for application word
Running pre-migrate handlers for application user
Running pre-migrate handlers for application admin
Running pre-migrate handlers for application polls
Running pre-migrate handlers for application auth
Running pre-migrate handlers for application contenttypes
Running pre-migrate handlers for application sessions
Synchronizing apps without migrations:
  Creating tables...
    Running deferred SQL...
Running migrations:
  No migrations to apply.
Running post-migrate handlers for application main
Running post-migrate handlers for application scoreImprover
Running post-migrate handlers for application word
Running post-migrate handlers for application user
Running post-migrate handlers for application admin
Running post-migrate handlers for application polls
Running post-migrate handlers for application auth
Running post-migrate handlers for application contenttypes
Running post-migrate handlers for application sessions
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
test_demo (word.test_dict.DictTestCase) ... ['apple', 'ˈæp(ə)l', 'apples', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', "['n. 苹果']"]
@test_url /word/test/
{'spelling': 'apple', 'phnetic': 'ˈæp(ə)l', 'explains': "['n. 苹果']"}
@res.type: <class 'dict'="">
@res <response status_code="200," "application="" json"="">
@res.data {'spelling': 'apple', 'phnetic': 'ˈæp(ə)l', 'explains': "['n. 苹果']"}
test_false_is_true (word.test_dict.DictTestCase) ... Method: test_false_is_true.
test_no_explain (word.test_dict.DictTestCase) ... ok
test_one_plus_one_equals_two (word.test_dict.DictTestCase) ... Method: test_one_plus_one_equals_two.
test_reverse (word.test_dict.DictTestCase) ... @type_res: <class 'rest_framework.response.response'="">
@res.content {"detail":"Not found."}
@type_res_list: <class 'django.http.response.httpresponsepermanentredirect'="">

Ran 5 tests in 1.278s

Preserving test database for alias 'default' ('test_ela4')...
PS D:\repos\ELA\backEnd\ela&gt; 


  • TestCase 类的相关文档Django (djangoproject.com)
  • setUpTestData() 用于类级别设置,在测试运行开始的时侯,会调用一次。您可以使用它来创建在任何测试方法中,都不会修改或更改的对象
  • setUp() 在每个测试函数之前被调用,以设置可能被测试修改的任何对象(每个测试函数,都将获得这些对象的 “新” 版本)

本文转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/xuchaoxin1375/article/details/124892446
版权归原作者 xuchaoxin1375 所有, 如有侵权,请联系我们删除。

